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Please help us make a better place and get Realms of Arkania 1+2 for free.

Short version:
1. Complete the survey below.
2. Enter your correct e-mail address.
3. Get a copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2 sent to you via mail next week.
4. If you own RoA 1+2 you can gift it to a friend!

Long version:
The Annual Gamer Survey is now our yearly tradition, so once again we ask that you spare 5 minutes of your time and help us make your favorite digital distribution platform a better place. Taking part in it isn't mandatory of course, but recommended if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is.

Filling out the Gamer Survey 2012 does not only guarantee you lifelong happiness but also grants you a free copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2. When completing the survey, enter your e-mail address and we'll be sending you codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 next week, after the survey is completed. If you already own Realms of Arkanie 1+2, the code can be gifted as well.

Grab a pencil... er, a keyboard in your hands and answer the questions below for a better future mankind (with the exeption of non-gamers), and expect a special gift from in your mailbox in a few days. Remember that all the small red " * " stars mark the questions that are required.

[i]The survey ends on Monday, September 17 at 9:59 AM GMT. We will start sending out codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 after all the entries are processed.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by Chamb
I already own Realms of Arkania nonetheless I filled the survey!
You guys are doing a great job, keep doing it!
The bad thing about this survey was the fact that I clicked on the '50+ games' option. Erm I have only been using the site for 10 months
Personally I like the idea of a survey to get the chance to give some feedback from time to time. Like already said for I missed some more answers to give a more fitting answers, but I see it just as a start. To get another free games is not necessary but still very nice, so thank you for that ;-).
thanks gog, have filled out the survey :D
- old games that work on modern Operating Systems !

This is another reason i come to GOG! YES! Playing Beneath a steel sky without installing anything else
I would have filled this out anyway but don't own the game so that's a nice bonus, thanks GOG!
Al3xand3r: Survey'd!

Edit: but I don't think it worked, I got no e-mail or anything yet, even though it said Thank You the second time I submitted.
The survey ends on Monday, September 17 at 9:59 AM GMT. We will start sending out codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 after all the entries are processed.

I'm assuming this means we won't get any direct email until then...but if a GOG staffer could specify, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by ChaunceyK
Crazy Theory Time
It's been already 232 posts with no blue posting anything in this thread, not even a "fixed" about the survey problems. Could it be that they have an awesome release ready for tomorrow and are playing that instead of monitoring the forums?
Begin speculating...
darthspudius: All good bugs, are dead bugs! I did my part!
kubicz: I did my part too. :D;t=1m14s
lol It's nice to know that someone still remembers that film... MEDIC!!!
#1 reason I am here is no DRM
You can improve by moving your Credit card collecting to a different company as American banks have the one you have now flagged as fraud/stealing area and doesn't allow credit cards to be used.

On Games that are MP just give a working MP key with the game. I find it infuriating to have to beg for a MP key then having to wait 2-14 days to get one and then hope it works or it will be another 2-14 days to get another one or that key fixed. Better yet make a deal with the company to get rid of the requirement.

Up to date game Manuel's are a most for all games.

One of the big things I like about after joining is all the cool sales that are put on every week throughout the week. Makes it a good reason to keep checking on the site.

I have a 35mb Download speed would be nice to be able to Download at your top speed LOL...

Over all I love and as long as it stays DRM free I will buy games from here. Don't do a Brad Wardell on us like he did to Impulse users and sell out to Gamestop/Steam.
Nice of you, GOG! Survey submitted.
Submitted. I already have the game, so I don't care about that. Just felt like taking the survey.
Sent! Thx and looking forward to effects ;)
JMich: ... Begin speculating...
I am already excited about something special that may or may not come in october.

"The results show the strength of the various segments of our Group. We are a party that does not derive revenues and profits from a single source, but effectively diversifies its business. Autumn-winter season in our industry is a critical period, and this year it promises to be extremely hot. Within each of the activities carried out by us are preparing something special as we will keep on coming, the October conference. "- Says Adam Kicinski, CEO of CD Projekt RED.

autotranslated from

„Wyniki poszczególnych segmentów pokazują siłę naszej Grupy Kapitałowej. Jesteśmy podmiotem, który nie czerpie przychodów i zysków z jednego źródła, tylko w efektywny sposób dywersyfikuje swoją działalność. Sezon jesienno-zimowy w naszej branży jest kluczowym okresem, aw tym roku zapowiada się on wyjątkowo gorąco. W ramach każdej z prowadzonych przez nas działalności szykujemy coś specjalnego o czym będziemy informować na najbliższych, październikowych konferencjach.” – mówi Adam Kiciński, Prezes Zarządu CD Projekt RED.,news_id,1703
Post edited September 10, 2012 by Trilarion
Was hoping for a variety of games to choose from or something, but no matter. I'll definitely do this.