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I would like to say a couple of things. First of all, it is perfectly possible that I wasn't roleblocked. But why would I lie? If anyone else was rb'd, they could easily speak up and say that they were rb'd instead of me. But no one has, and no one will, simply because I was targeted.

Secondly, don't ask me why they spared my life. But it probably has something to do with this Ubivis situation, and how people seem to have been maneuvered into a "one's Mafia, or the other is" situation. Me dying to prove my innocence doesn't make Ubivis guilty, and vice-versa.

Third, Ubivis seems to be the one pushing this theory the hardest. He soft-claimed in a role that could be construed as protective, meaning that he would be a high value target for Mafia. Who would you rather take down as Mafia? The tracker, a role that can easily be deceived, or a possible protector who can save anybody, at random? Why wouldn't he have been killed? Or roleblocked instead of me? He hasn't claimed to have been rb'd, though. And, as far as I can tell, he's still alive. So, much like he has done on me, I call scum.

Vote Ubivis
Unvote Ubivis

Want to give him a chance to make a roleclaim.
Typhoon45: I would like to say a couple of things. First of all, it is perfectly possible that I wasn't roleblocked. But why would I lie? If anyone else was rb'd, they could easily speak up and say that they were rb'd instead of me. But no one has, and no one will, simply because I was targeted.
That is to say that there in fact is a roleblocker present. This paragraph seems to show that you have knowledge of there being a roleblocker. This means one of these three must be true: You're mafia and a fellow mafia is a roleblocker, you are a roleblocker and not a tracker, or you were, in fact, roleblocked. Either of these three is the truth, and the last suggests you spoke the truth, so it's likely the best explanation, at least with what we have to go on for now.

Typhoon45: Secondly, don't ask me why they spared my life. But it probably has something to do with this Ubivis situation, and how people seem to have been maneuvered into a "one's Mafia, or the other is" situation. Me dying to prove my innocence doesn't make Ubivis guilty, and vice-versa.
Exactly what I said earlier, so I couldn't agree more here. I think it's a situation many people are biting into (One is mafia, so the other can't be), and is more than likely made by a mafia person.

Typhoon45: Third, Ubivis seems to be the one pushing this theory the hardest. He soft-claimed in a role that could be construed as protective, meaning that he would be a high value target for Mafia. Who would you rather take down as Mafia? The tracker, a role that can easily be deceived, or a possible protector who can save anybody, at random? Why wouldn't he have been killed? Or roleblocked instead of me? He hasn't claimed to have been rb'd, though. And, as far as I can tell, he's still alive. So, much like he has done on me, I call scum.
Again, I concur, Ubivis' softclaim is very close to being a roleclaim for a doctor. He hinted at not having a doctor ability, but did hint at having an ability. My thoughts are thus lead to him being either mafia, an idiot or bulletproof. Him being an idiot is pretty much not the case - he seems too intelligent in his posts for this to be true :p. Him being bulletproof could explain his desire to softclaim, and his neglegence of a proper roleclaim (If he did outright claim to be bulletproof, why would the mafia night kill him?). Of course, I don't know if he is bulletproof, so it is just as likely that he is mafia.
Pazzer unvoting ubivis while at L-1 is a bit suspect. Ubivis has as much possibility of roleclaiming at L-1 as at L-2. Either pazzer is fearing a quick lynch from the mafia on ubivis should he be town, or pazzer is trying to safe one of his mafia friends?
Damnation: Pazzer unvoting ubivis while at L-1 is a bit suspect. Ubivis has as much possibility of roleclaiming at L-1 as at L-2. Either pazzer is fearing a quick lynch from the mafia on ubivis should he be town, or pazzer is trying to safe one of his mafia friends?
I've mentioned Pazzer as a suspect before, and this confirms my suspicions really. Once Ubivis is out of the way, I'll be turning my attentions to Pazzer.
First of all: How do I push on lynching Typhoon? I just stated my thoughts and signed it with a vote. It is up to the others to think the same of you, or not. And it is up to you tell us that what I wrote is not true. Based on your reaction, I would double sign my vote.

okay, a role claim. This is no problem for me, as I will be lynched anyway (or if not, I think the Mafia will kill me during the night, because they will not know that I do have a power).

I am a nurse (already said), with an ability (already mentioned as well).
As I said a few posts ago, it was a big fault from me to softclaim my role, and I wonder why I am still alive (especially last night).
I still hope, that I will survive at least this day to take the chance to kill a highly suspicious member of the Mafia.

In case of Pazzer, I would not point my finger on him. He seems very townie to me.

There just came one more possibitly into my mind, while I was write the statements above:
It could be, that Typhoon is townie as he says, and it would be the best move from the mafia to let him (who has been role claimed) and me alive, as I was turned up to be suspicious at the end of day 1.

This would give them a good head start for just jumping on us both, who ever will be voted first.

With this new bit of brainstorming, I am off for a while now (a lot of work to do).

But I will take this in consideration to maybe unvote soon.

Need to get a few silent minutes to re-read the whole day.
Ubivis: My argument is a bit difficult to write down as it is quite complex. It is not mainly based on Typhoons statement. Yes he, did not exactly said anything against me, yes he did not vote for me yet.

My Point is, that it looks quite suspicious to me, that is states everything to clear open.

1. He claims to have a powerful townie power
2. He claims that he have been roleblocked during the night instead of being killed

This tells me, that I will keep an eye on him. He have not been killed during the night (even he mentioned that he has a powerful ability). If I were Mafia, I would have instantly killed him, instead of just Roleblocking. This makes him very suspicious to me.

Otherwise, he could telling the truth as well, in this case the Mafia was about to let us think as I did (I wonder why only I did, maybe because of the people I usualy play this game *gg*).
Is there such a thing as a Mafia tracker? But then, if Typhoon was Mafia, he could easily have lied completely about having a power role, and backed that up today with a false claim about being role-blocked. Makes for a good story....

So, what possibilities do we have here?

Ubivis is Scum , Typhoon tells the truth - for me , the most likely scenario, although Typhoon did get to L -2 yesterday and ONLY got suspicion away from himself by claiming a Power Role. Very handy, that...! This theory advanced by Jess - heavily leaning on Ubivis being Scum, and Typhoon being innocent.

Ubivis is innocent, Typhoon is Scum - not really backed by anyone, but a possible scenario, if you think Typhoon is lying. Typhoon was heavily suspected in day 1.

Both are innocent - this depends on whether you buy into the Jess theory on Mafia night actions and why one wasn't killed and another roleblocked, or vice versa. Just a couple of thoughts here - if Jess was Mafia , this theory would be an ideal way to put attention on others, especially if they were both Town.

Both are Mafia - a possibility? Typhoon lies about his role, backs it up with false roleblocked claim, and attacks Ubivis as he has the most flak today, which they would possibly have foreseen anyway. Ubivis returns the favour, as any player would. The least likely proposition.

If Typhoon is lying, and is therefore scum, it does throw up the interesting proposition that Jesskitten is in cahoots with him, by coming up with the theory and firmly blaming Ubivis. The soft roleclaim was a big mistake, but I will point out it has not been made clear whether it IS actually a Power Role - claiming a Doctor is, but a Nurse?? Not quite...

But I tend personally towards the first outcome , that Ubivis is likely the guilty party. Its a big conspiracy theory that Typhoon and Jess are in cahoots, and an elaborate play with the false roleclaim to implicate Ubivis. Ive put all possibilities out there for others to look and think about..

Not voting yet as I would like to see a full claim from Ubivis, same as Pazzer.
Robbeasy: Snip.
Some very good points there; at the moment I believe Ubivis and Pazzer are the most likely to be mafia, but if either of those is lynched and proved innocent, then I think your theory about a Typhoon / Jess collaboration makes sense.

Saying that; your post could be a clever ploy to shift attention away from Ubivis and Pazzer (while not directly doing so) - could you be the third member of their gang?
Robbeasy: Snip.
nmillar: Some very good points there; at the moment I believe Ubivis and Pazzer are the most likely to be mafia, but if either of those is lynched and proved innocent, then I think your theory about a Typhoon / Jess collaboration makes sense.

Saying that; your post could be a clever ploy to shift attention away from Ubivis and Pazzer (while not directly doing so) - could you be the third member of their gang?
It could, except that I state I think Ubivis is the most likely guilty party....and that wasn't the greatest roleclaim ever either - can we have a full statement of role and ability please Ubivis?
okay... it is my first roleclaim (never heard of that in werewolfes *gg*), hope I do it correct:

As I said before, I am a 29 years old (and do say anything against it) nurse. As you might all know, I am here to always help if something happens to the kids.
Unfortunately for me, I do have access to the medications. And I can even heal wounds, as long I am around to help in time.

I have never denied to have a doc's ability but I have also never said so, that I do. Just because it was hoping that the Mafia will not trying to take me out because of it.

Based on what you all know now, I think that even when I survive the day, the Mafia will take me out tonight.
Ubivis: okay... it is my first roleclaim (never heard of that in werewolfes *gg*), hope I do it correct:

As I said before, I am a 29 years old (and do say anything against it) nurse. As you might all know, I am here to always help if something happens to the kids.
Unfortunately for me, I do have access to the medications. And I can even heal wounds, as long I am around to help in time.

I have never denied to have a doc's ability but I have also never said so, that I do. Just because it was hoping that the Mafia will not trying to take me out because of it.

Based on what you all know now, I think that even when I survive the day, the Mafia will take me out tonight.
I'm taking it you are claiming Town Doctor, from all the inferrals by yourself.

After repeated requests, and continued obfuscating on replies (there is the issue of language barriers, I realise English isn't your first language, but I can only go on what you post), I am convinced. The last response looks to me to have added flavouring to it, with references to medication and healing. Sounds extremely false to me.

If you turn up town, we have two great suspects in Typhoon and Jesskitten anyway, so its win / win as far as i can see.

Vote Ubivis
yes, english is absolutely not my first language, and I had big problems learning it :)

I do absolutely understand, that you are voting for me, and I would even sacrifice myself for advantage of my follow townies, when they have the other opinions carefully.

It is up to you fellow townies, just one more vote and you will see what you have done, as I would say that the mafia has already voted for me.
Really don't see the reasoning for voting for Ubivis now he's claimed doctor.

Vote Robbeasy
pazzer: Really don't see the reasoning for voting for Ubivis now he's claimed doctor.

Vote Robbeasy
Because i plain don't believe him - enough to take the risk. Strikes me as a last desperate attempt to stay alive.
Robbeasy: I realise English isn't your first language
Hell, he speaks better English than most English people!

The Town Doctor claim is an interesting one, and based on that I'm going to retract my vote. If Ubivis is indeed the Town Doctor, then the mafia will have to take him out tonight. It'll be a real shame if he is because a Town Doctor is one of the most useful people to keep alive ...

pazzer: Snip.
Your voting for Robbeasy purely because he's cast a vote that you don't agree with? Sorry, but if you're not going to provide at least some reason why Robbeasy is guilty, then I doubt anyone is going to agree with you.

Anyway, to summarise; I'm not entirely convinced by Ubivis' Town Doctor claim and still suspect him, but if he is the Town Doctor, then I'd like to keep him alive and allow him to protect someone one more time. He'll be dead by morning anyway.

Therefore I'm turning my main attention back to my other suspect.

Unvote Ubivis. Vote pazzer.
I can't claim that anyone will ever trust in what I say, as I think noone would trust in anything someone else will say anyway.

I really thought, that I have already been lynched before I came home from work.

I do absolutely understand Robbeasy's point in not trusting me, and it is his right to do so.
I have my reasons not to trust what Typhoon said, because of that my vote is still on him.