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Sage103082: Hijack can you explain why you would semi role claim with only 3 votes on you?
I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain I counted 4. This being said, a wagon has been formed, and given how foolish some people are, it will soon come to an end. I'm pretty much just enjoying the game until the end. That's what I signed up for, after all. Full role claim coming soon. So, I heard you like yugmi gum. Is it any decent?
Nope. Counted again. Sage was right. Only 3 votes.
Sage103082: I would easily vote for Hijack right now as much as I would trent.
Also mentions - who said anything about a threat to CSPVG? I said a risky play. nothing about any threat or me putting him on my scum list
Sage, I have a small request for you. I have somewhat of a hard time reading properly through your posts when you format the like that. Would you mind if I ask you to use quote tags when you are quoting someone? You don't have to find the actual post to click on the reply button, you can put the tags manually ([quоte] Actual quote [ /quote]). It's a bit hard for me to distinguish where the quote ends and your own words start at times. Thank you for that :)
Let me clear something up, and it might go some way to explaining why comment to Adalia on day 1...

I am the pilot of the spaceship 'Robbeasy'. When vitek said on day 1 'I am spaceship' and Adalia returned with 'I am train', I was of the impression that Scum may have a different naming mechanism on their ships - ie adalia didnt understand what Vitek meant when he said 'I am spaceship'.

Since then of course it transpires ALL of us are piloting our own spaceships, but it was Adalias post that led me down this path, and was the root cause of 'Do you see why I'm doing this' - if his spaceship wasn't called Adaliabooks, he wouldn't have had a clue why I was doing it.

Anyhoooo - it would appear that CSPVG hasn't been counter claimed, so that would appear to be a true claim. The wagon on hijack is forming pretty quickly - what I don't like however is people saying 'I would vote for blah right now', but then not doing so. It is just trying to push people in one direction, without getting your hands dirty yourself and being seen to vote for someone. If you would vote for blah right now, then DO so!

For this reason (see post 1389),

vote Sage
Anybody have any idea if there was any game where the godfather had a say in what he would appear when scanned, or does he simply have the ability to look of town alignment and that's it?
HijacK: Anybody have any idea if there was any game where the godfather had a say in what he would appear when scanned, or does he simply have the ability to look of town alignment and that's it?
As far as I know the Godfather appears innocent by default, even if he prefers otherwise for whatever reason.
Never here and I've never even heard of it elsewhere. So no, and I don't understand why are you bringing it up.

Sorry, just passsing by for my playoff match of Blood Bowl.
HijacK: Anybody have any idea if there was any game where the godfather had a say in what he would appear when scanned, or does he simply have the ability to look of town alignment and that's it?
dedoporno: As far as I know the Godfather appears innocent by default, even if he prefers otherwise for whatever reason.
I was referring as to role wise, not alignment wise. It only makes sense for him to appear innocent.
Let me start this post by saying I have at no point been truly angry or upset in this game. I fully understand that this is just a game, and I value all my friendships and interactions with others a lot more than this game. I would never jeopardize any friendship over a game, ever. I don't get mad at games, I find that a silly way to act as it is just a game. That being said,

Somehow I have been on most everyone's scum list from the start and my attempts to change that opinion seemed to not work, and I tried for the longest time to change these opinions. So I started mulling over what to do so people could actually focus on finding the real scum. My idea was to throw a tantrum in hopes that the scum, at least one of them, would find me a tempting target and try to switch focus onto me even more. Since most people have me leaning scum every time I have tried to present a thought or idea it has been skimmed over and not given much thought unless someone has questioned it as scummy, so I was out of ideas as to what to do except for this. I knew it was a long shot to work, but was hoping it would.

I had intended to wait longer so CSPVG and Krypsyn could have their turns to post since I had my tantrum, but I now see I need to speak up before Hijack is lynched or presents a theory that is wrong, as I see where this is going with his comments. Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him. I also think he is starting to believe I have the role of Godfather, and I assure you that is not the case. As I have already stated I have not lied about any night action, ship model claim, or the fact that I have no role. Now if it really does take a lynch against me to prove this then I'm ok with that as it will help to shed some light on this situation. Whatever it takes for the town to win I am willing to do.

I also think Hijack knew CSPVG had a power role as I'm willing to bet Hijack's ship model is a Mark IV also. Why he wanted to lynch CSPVG at first I can understand (although I would have chosen to go with a night scan against him to see what his role was), but after CSPVG's role claim (I believe it is true) not sure why he did not let it go unless he really does not believe him for some reason.

So as I said if this gets me lynched I'm ok with that, but here is my list:


unsure about:
Vitek (leaning more town)
Robb (leaning town)
Sage (Neutral)
dedo (leaning scum)


If anyone wants a detailed reason on my list just ask and later I will post one later. I have to go to work now, and that means no computer but phone only. So any long detailed posts will have to be much later.
trentonlf: I had intended to wait longer so CSPVG and Krypsyn could have their turns to post since I had my tantrum, but I now see I need to speak up before Hijack is lynched or presents a theory that is wrong, as I see where this is going with his comments. Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him.
So, basically, you believe HijacK is town, has a power role (and a scanner at that) and you see pointing this out as a good idea?

trentonlf: dedo (leaning scum)
I'm upset now. Exactly three posts ago (your posts) I was neutral in your list. What happened that I suddenly started to look scummy? I managed to keep the neutral status after doubting and giving you hard time for so long and just now I started to look scummy. How so? It's also noteworthy how you decided to refrain from saying anything about this, at all. I was under the impression that these lists are required in order to be harder for people to change views without rationalizing. Why do people have ask for reasons? Shouldn't you be pro-active in providing them?
Or maybe no match because it's not Friday. :-/

dedoporno: So, basically, you believe HijacK is town, has a power role (and a scanner at that) and you see pointing this out as a good idea?
Some people did the same with CSPVG before if I am not mistaken.
trentonlf: I had intended to wait longer so CSPVG and Krypsyn could have their turns to post since I had my tantrum, but I now see I need to speak up before Hijack is lynched or presents a theory that is wrong, as I see where this is going with his comments. Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him.
dedoporno: So, basically, you believe HijacK is town, has a power role (and a scanner at that) and you see pointing this out as a good idea?

trentonlf: dedo (leaning scum)
dedoporno: I'm upset now. Exactly three posts ago (your posts) I was neutral in your list. What happened that I suddenly started to look scummy? I managed to keep the neutral status after doubting and giving you hard time for so long and just now I started to look scummy. How so? It's also noteworthy how you decided to refrain from saying anything about this, at all. I was under the impression that these lists are required in order to be harder for people to change views without rationalizing. Why do people have ask for reasons? Shouldn't you be pro-active in providing them?
Yes I believe Hijack is town and has a scanner role. Hijack has said he would reveal his role when he got to -1, that coupled with his fascination of the Godfarher role and scanning made it clear to me the truth of the matter. I could be wrong, but pretty sure I'm not. So to head off anymore false leads I spoke up. If I am wrong Hijack will say so and maybe then will let us know what his questions about the Godfather role and scanning are about.

As for you leaning scum, I had a whole group of you neutral and of those in the neutral category you lean more scum to me than the rest. The only person I believe to be scum with no doubt is Krypsyn, I am still not that sure about the rest. I am not saying you are scum, just that to me you lean that way more than the rest.
Vitek: Some people did the same with CSPVG before if I am not mistaken.
True. Does that mean it's a good idea now?
trentonlf: Somehow I have been on most everyone's scum list from the start and my attempts to change that opinion seemed to not work, and I tried for the longest time to change these opinions.
I don't think that's a correct impression. I believe quite a few people have you as neutral. I'm not saying you're lying, just that you might be focusing on the dirty half of the glass.

trentonlf: Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him.
I understand you believe HijacK scanned you, but why do you believe he's town? Mafia can also have scanning roles, as you well know from game #23.

@HijacK and @Robbeasy: I would appreciate updated gradient lists when you have time.
trentonlf: Somehow I have been on most everyone's scum list from the start and my attempts to change that opinion seemed to not work, and I tried for the longest time to change these opinions.
mrkgnao: I don't think that's a correct impression. I believe quite a few people have you as neutral. I'm not saying you're lying, just that you might be focusing on the dirty half of the glass.

trentonlf: Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him.
mrkgnao: I understand you believe HijacK scanned you, but why do you believe he's town? Mafia can also have scanning roles, as you well know from game #23.

@HijacK and @Robbeasy: I would appreciate updated gradient lists when you have time.
I only get that impression because of his fascination with the Godfather role. But now that you mention it I guess if he was the Godfather he could be concerned how he would look if scanned, but I still think he is town and not scum. As I said I could be reading this whole thing wrong.