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yogsloth: I can think of some very good reasons for a PRD (new acronym, I just coinified it) to claim. Why do you think the PRD shouldn't claim?
DarkoD13: Survive another day, maybe save a townie? And if he dies during the Night we have his flip that we can use to lynch CSPVG.
Why, what are you thinking?
Vitek: And if he is scum and did it to lure true doctor out? Great for us, there will be only 1 scum left after this then. 1 PR for 1 mafia is almost always good trade and certainly would be in this situation.
mrkgnao: I disagree. If a real doctor exists he must claim.
If CSPVG is false claiming we want to uncover it as soon as possible because every night he remains alive is a night he gets to use a mafia power role, if he has any.
Did you want to add something?
mrkgnao: I disagree. If a real doctor exists he must claim.
If CSPVG is false claiming we want to uncover it as soon as possible because every night he remains alive is a night he gets to use a mafia power role, if he has any.
As Vitek said, at this point a 1-for-1 trade is a bargain.
He'd be either a flavor cop or a godfather given the fact that we've killed the strongman and no one has been jailed so far. Not such a huge threat to be honest.
DarkoD13: He'd be either a flavor cop or a godfather given the fact that we've killed the strongman
Why do you assume only these two roles?

DarkoD13: and no one has been jailed so far.
How do you know that?
mrkgnao: Did you want to add something?
I thought you guys explained it pretty well. :)
mrkgnao: Why do you assume only these two roles?

How do you know that?
1) Past experience in a Telika game. Although looking at it now, the godfather was also jailer on odd nights

2) Seems like something one would mention even in passing
DarkoD13: 1) Past experience in a Telika game. Although looking at it now, the godfather was also jailer on odd nights
My impression of Telika so far is that he's a pretty inventive guy. I should hope this game is not a replica of game #18. For example, as far as I can see, that game had no doctors in it. Do you disbelieve CSPVG because of that?

DarkoD13: 2) Seems like something one would mention even in passing
That would be tantamount to role-claiming. Not sure everyone would rush to do it.
Furthermore, a vanilla townie might not be aware that he had been blocked.
mrkgnao: That would be tantamount to role-claiming. Not sure everyone would rush to do it.
Furthermore, a vanilla townie might not be aware that he had been blocked.
trentonlf: I would also mention that during the night phase I was fired upon but it did not cause me any harm as whoever did it used light weaponry that could not pierce my light armor. I am not sure what that means.
mrkgnao: My impression of Telika so far is that he's a pretty inventive guy. I should hope this game is not a replica of game #18. For example, as far as I can see, that game had no doctors in it. Do you disbelieve CSPVG because of that?
It crossed my mind, yes. But the OP doesn't mention anything about the ship having powers and the mark makes me think it was a vanilla based on flub's flip. No, I don't think it's a replica, but I can't imagine 2 aggressive roles in the mafia team.
Inb4, Vitek brings up several examples to the contrary.

This is getting all more hypothetical than I'm comfortable with though. The hypothetically adult hypothetical doctor can make up his own hypothetical mind.
mrkgnao: My impression of Telika so far is that he's a pretty inventive guy. I should hope this game is not a replica of game #18. For example, as far as I can see, that game had no doctors in it. Do you disbelieve CSPVG because of that?
DarkoD13: It crossed my mind, yes. But the OP doesn't mention anything about the ship having powers and the mark makes me think it was a vanilla based on flub's flip. No, I don't think it's a replica, but I can't imagine 2 aggressive roles in the mafia team.
Inb4, Vitek brings up several examples to the contrary.

This is getting all more hypothetical than I'm comfortable with though. The hypothetically adult hypothetical doctor can make up his own hypothetical mind.
Fair enough.
I don't buy the claim for a variety of reasons. Though I am not excluding the fact I may have made the worst of 2 choices in this scenario, CSPVG's role claim of doctor doesn't sit well with me. It's easy to go on Mafia wiki and see what counters strongman. Fairly logical. This being said, with the flavor of the game and all, before I actually begun posting I had a conversation with Telika of what inspired him for this game. He said typical space opera. I would like someone to point me to any universe where support ships are heavily armed and fast and are, even remotely, implied as having a role of "doctor". Yeah. I thought so. Nothing comes to mind, does it?
yogsloth: Town/Telling Truth: The end result of Hijack's risky play?
Could you stop pinning shit on me?
I didn't make any of you vote. I cast my vote because I wanted. As far as I'm concerned, every single one of those who were on the wagon is responsible for his vote. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me if scum retracted their vote by now in order to look towny. It's all a gamble, but like you said: "I didn't go to the prom to sit on the side drinking punch."
I still think we need to look at the lynch wagon. and if we take CSPVG as true we might learn something from it.

Going back over the thread to add dates to my notes I noticed I have made a mistake. It seems Rob was the first to vote and then vitek

robbeasy votes
Vitek votes
hijacK votes
yogslogh votes
trenton votes
vitek unvotes

**CSPVG claims.

yogsloth unvotes
darko unvotes Krypsyn

Rob votes (October 29th - Mrk. K and CSPVG have an almost orchestrated twin attack, the whole things with MrK and CSPVG seems to be planned over night and decided who to go after, They were both on books wagon,

Vitek votes - October 31- It is mostly because of his interactions with adalia and for his Rob case, They both defended each other, concerned how his hammer would look. His case for rob - Then there is his case on Robbeasy. He started it after the Day 2 started (same link as the last one) by bringing to attention like Rob disappeared for 96 posts in the end of D1 and was "merely sitting there and not contributing much to the discussion", which would be scummy but "he did seem to be rather convinced of adalia's guilt from the moment he voted for him, and so could simply have felt that contributing was unnecessary."
He admits himself it was only 1 day but still sees it as problem. That's quite funny considering he hasn't posted for 111 posts during the same period. (I have having a hard time compressing this without losing the meaning) , it is the core of his case and he brings it up in several different posts, and CSPCG bring up Robs place vote as scummy but does not think his own last vote was scummy, Beilves he has a power role but not town.

Hijack votes 2 days ago semi based on the last game and Quadralien game play and not being able to pin point him on way or another. "Because someone who stays off the hook and you have no idea about is more dangerous than someone you can put on an alignment axis and simply monitor for the rest of their game"

Yog is next to vote - yesterday - for being a lurker and calling out lurkers for the same thing, and for not improving his lurking ways in game 2, thinks his claim was for put out there for some future senerio and it makes no sense to claim. adds this at the end of his voting post : "I would say Vitek has taken the most active role in nominating CSPVG for lynch, so if you believe strongly that Vitek is scum, perhaps CSPVG is town by default. The dominos do seem to be stacked precariously… so perhaps HijacK is on to something. "

Trent is next to vote - unvotes krypsyn first - beilved CSPVG has a power role, his posts are suspect at times, does not post often and does not post say much wen he does post, at the end of the post asks to hear from CSPVG.

Vitek - unvotes - Unvote for a moment as it is not fair to lynch someone who is not around and I saw in last game how some folks are trigger-happy around here.
You know? Something went through my head. Here's some food for thought here. We all know that it is best for Doctors to not role claim, this being said, it was quite obvious CSPVG never really had the intention of role claiming had he not been in such a situation. This being said, why reveal your ship model for a future claim, if you as a doctor are better off not role claiming? And for someone who set up that thing for a future claim, you sure did take your time with claiming, or posting as a matter of fact.
HijacK: I would like someone to point me to any universe where support ships are heavily armed and fast and are, even remotely, implied as having a role of "doctor".
In the same way a wide-receiver is a flavor cop? I do get your point, though, but that is one more reason I believe him. It would have been better for him if he was some sort of medical ship or whatever. Why would he chose something that makes less sense? Just to be able to use that as an argument? If yes, his whole setup from the very beginning is genius. Also, we still have no counter claim and I don't really expect one. Adaliabooks' play relied on itself because it induced the fear of targeting him for confirmation. If CSPVG is false claiming his whole setup relies on too many unknowns for him to expect it to work.