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dedoporno: I already went through this, but I will do it one last time, because we are running in circles here. On D1 you were one of the people that felt more suspicious by the end of the day. That is all. You weren't top pick back then - adalia and trent were. It seems like you are suggesting that if someone doesn't say something first, they need to shut up about it, because they are sheeping. We are trying to unite ourselves against the common foe here. Of course I will voice a suspicion if someone shares it. Unlike HijacK who seems to be a bit on the one-man-army approach I'm trying to find some allies to work with. If they have similar reasoning - even more so. Our strongest feature is synergy - we are way more likely to win if we work together rather then every man for himself.
Don't get me wrong. I get what you're saying, but it is really amusing thinking you may as well be working with scum thinking that you actually help town. xD I'll repeat this once again. This game is a paradox. It is about teamwork and deceit at the same time. I get it that you like the concept of teamwork a lot, but don't ever forget about the one of deceit.
It seems we have varying opinions on what Krypsyn's actions and behavior have been. I still see him as acting oddly and scummy. I also see that me staying with that at this time is going nowhere, so

Unvote Krypsyn

I still have my eye on you Krypsyn, I believe you are scum. If I'm wrong I'll send you a dozen virtual roses and an apology note.

It seems the focus has shifted to CSPVG. Vitek, Yogsloth, and Robb have all given their arguments as to why they believe CSPVG is scum and placed their votes. Hijack has placed his vote not for scummy reasons, but for some grand plan involving ship models and power roles. CSPVG has a power role I believe just from his post 1049. His last statement "Unless it is something that the whole group wants, I shall not role claim.", to me that says "I have a role, just not saying what it is unless we all agree". Is this a reason to lynch him? No, a lynch should be based on if we believe he is scum.

I agree CSPVG's actions have been suspect at times. His posting is every two days or so, and very little to say when he does post. The most we have gotten from him is when he was accused the day he went to the airport. He has accused Robb on mrkgnao's theory, a theory I do not think is true, and has not let it go. I don't believe mrkgnao and CSPVG are working together though, I actually have moved mrkgnao off of my scum list to neutral. CSPVG has gone from neutral to leaning scum.


Now before anything is hammered I would like to hear from CSPVG.
HijacK: Don't get me wrong. I get what you're saying, but it is really amusing thinking you may as well be working with scum thinking that you actually help town. xD I'll repeat this once again. This game is a paradox. It is about teamwork and deceit at the same time. I get it that you like the concept of teamwork a lot, but don't ever forget about the one of deceit.
This is very true! I'm well aware this may be the case and it applies to everyone. Nothing is certain until it is, so we need to work with whatever we have. No one can be 100% trusted until they are dead and exposed. Still, the nature of the game requires some leaps of faith every now and then. What we can do about it is to evaluate when and where the risk is worth it. This is what I'm trying to do. This is actually the same and only reason I'm not entirely opposing CSPVG's wagon right now. I prefer to sit on the fence for the time being, but I do see the potential value that it may bring even if he flips town.

As for the part that I bolded in the quote - in Vitek's case I'm following my own reasoning and other seem to share some of it. In the worst case the scum may be trying to strengthen my case towards a fellow townie. But I really don't see it :)
trentonlf: Vote CSPVG

Now before anything is hammered I would like to hear from CSPVG.
Funny thing how you shoot first and ask questions later. Please, remind me, what happened the last time you said you want to hear from others before the hammer? If you really want to hear from CSPVG, is it really that good idea to put him at L-2?
trentonlf: Vote CSPVG

Now before anything is hammered I would like to hear from CSPVG.
dedoporno: Funny thing how you shoot first and ask questions later. Please, remind me, what happened the last time you said you want to hear from others before the hammer? If you really want to hear from CSPVG, is it really that good idea to put him at L-2?
I believe that puts him at L-1 actually.

I'm more than comfortable with this lynch, but have noted the concerted attack on Vitek by a few others as well.
CSPVG: ...
Time to claim, methinks.

Robbeasy: I'm more than comfortable with this lynch, but have noted the concerted attack on Vitek by a few others as well.
Things that make me uncomfortable: trying to arrange lynch pacts.

Robbeasy: As a person who tends to shy away from confrontation, I find aggression less appealing, but I try not to let this affect my judgement.
I see what you mean, but I believe there is room for a little aggression when words are being twisted.
Oopsie daisy, that's mrkgnao.
As a person who tends to shy away from confrontation, I find aggression less appealing, but I try not to let this affect my judgement.
Unvote for a moment as it is not fair to lynch someone who is not around and I saw in last game how some folks are trigger-happy around here.

DarkoD13: OK, I guess you want me to ask, so I'll ask. Did you have no intention of voting Krypsyn for lurking? Was it an elaborate ruse?
So you know who I was talking about.

DarkoD13: I see what you mean, but I believe there is room for a little aggression when words are being twisted.
Uh, where did you get that last quote? o_O
Vitek: Unvote for a moment as it is not fair to lynch someone who is not around and I saw in last game how some folks are trigger-happy around here.

So you know who I was talking about.

Uh, where did you get that last quote? o_O
I guessed it, yes.

Beside the "fire" button, there is the "pour coffee" button. It's hard to tell which one of both is most worn out.

Vitek has 1 vote, by Dedoporno.
Robbeasy has 1 vote, by CSPVG.
Krypsyn has 1 vote, DarkoD13.
DarkoD13 has 1 vote, by Krypsyn.
CSPVG has 4 votes, by Hijack, Robbeasy, Yogsloth and Trentonlf.

Mrkgnao, VVitek and Sage103082 aren't voting.

With 6 votes required to lynch, CSPVG is at L-2.

Edited because there has been an unvote while I was typing this. Also, for better lisibility (and increased dramatic effect), please specify who you unvote when you unvote. It also helps the moderators who are less super organised than me (I am super organised).
Post edited November 04, 2014 by Telika
Actually he is around, at least according to my browser, this is why I made the reply to him, so he gets a notification.

Unvote CSPVG.

For those not super organised moderators.
Vitek: Vote CSPVG

Unvote CSPVG.

For those not super organised moderators.
No, shit, you you you can't do that, it... it doesn't fit on one line of my excel chart, because, one line is a post, and, it goes either +1 or -1 in the votes columns, and, it can't... it... i... in the same tile it doesn't...

arrrrrrrgh my computer is now broken


Edit :
AHA ! Line "post 1272", column "cspvg" : 0 !! Problem solved. My über-oiganisational skills will not be defeated by your attempts to throw logical paradoxes at me. Who do you think i am, the General ?
Post edited November 04, 2014 by Telika
Telika: arrrrrrrgh my computer is now broken
It wasn't working too well already. :P

Telika: VVitek
DarkoD13: Time to claim, methinks.
Yes, one* thinks so, too.

Before I do, however, I would like to apologise for posting every two days or so. Although many people seem to think that I am intentionally 'power lurking' (based off of a joke I made with flubbucket), but this is not the case. In truth, I have felt quite bemused for the entire game, particularly with the amount of new players and their tendency to post often and at length.

Now, I am no slouch when it comes to reading the written word, and I have never given their posts anything other than the diligent intelligence they deserve, but I feel that several of my fellow players have confused writing often (and at length) with contributing usefully at all times.

Yes, it is true that in previous games I have called out lurkers and their actions, and I acknowledge how the gaps in between my posts make me look. However, I have been frankly bewildered with seeing many of the same arguments trotted out again and again, at length, but finding myself unconvinced by most of them. What's more, many of these long posts have been direct arguments between two players, and I much prefer to let such situation evolve naturally (that is, between the two players themselves) than interjecting with my own running commentary.

So you may chalk my infrequent posting down to two factors 1) That I have had real life issues to deal with and 2) That I have found much of day two to be a morass of rote arguments that I neither fully felt that I needed to participate in, or that I fully understood (such as how many of you seem to think that Krypsyn is acting odd in some way).

On to the claim, then. I am Bottomsup, an Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber, the Town Doctor. My flavour states that I have a rapid-fire target system and exceptional piloting skills, making me a good support fighter. I can choose to escort a specific target every night.

Last night I used my ability on yogsloth, as I felt that he may be a prime target for a night kill. This was because I felt that he had contributed well to the day one discussion, and as such may be a prime night kill candidate.

The other thing I would like to do is Unvote: Robbeasy for now. I am still somewhat convinced by my own assertions, but you all seem to feel that my arguments are unreasonable.

At this stage, I feel particularly drawn to checking up on trentonlf's previous posts, as his act of both first voting for me and wanting to hear me out seem contradictory. He acted much the same way during the final moments before adalia's lynch, so I think he bears looking into.