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trentonlf: You are also saying CSPVG is only scum in your post and basing all reasoning on that.
HijacK: Now where have I said that in my post? All I did was question a theory that sounds fairly weak to me. When you counter a theory whether someone is town, of course it will sound like that someone would be scum, but the base is irrelevant regardless. When you'll read a post of mine saying "I am sure CSPVG is scum" then you can safely assume any theory is based around that. Questioning another theory is not.
By stating that mrkgnao was reducing the scum to 2 implies you did not consider your view as being that CSPVG was town. if you thought he might be then what mrkgnao said did not reduce the scum to 2. So trying to paint what mrkgnao said as a "funny decision" only applies to CSPVG being scum and knowing his scum buddies shop models.
mrkgnao: Thank you. What do you mean by "despite of alignment"?
That I like your playstyle whether you're town or mafia.
mrkgnao: The only models he knows about are his, adalia's, and the one in the OP.
HijacK: And on what basis do you assume CSPVG had info of only 1 of scum's team and not its entirety? You're basically reducing their numbers to 2, which is a funny decision at this point in the game. Also, the OP ship model is relevant to this theory. Even if he knew it, he would have to have extra info from Telika in order to know the correlation to the game. Whether it is an actual thing or just a model used in the OP.
I base it on the stats supplied by Vitek in #728 that show that in Telika's previous game the scum got no role information about their scumbuddies and therefore did not know their buddies' roles until night #1. By extension, I also assume they did not get parts (or all) of their buddies' flavour.

HijacK: So why did he claim same ship? Well, various scenarios, but here's one. It was not needed, hence why by doing it, he hoped people would see that good will. Why wouldn't this be just as possible as what you have said?
I agree it could be a WIFOM. It is indeed "just as possible", but to me it is not "just as likely".

What he did was a move that even if he's town would be seen as a bad move (I believe most everybody agrees his model reveal was not a wise move). He draws attention to himself very early on in the game for something he has no way of knowing the relevance or importance of. It's a very risky move with little potential of reward. I find it less likely. I respect your opinion that it might be just as likely or perhaps even more likely.

I don't know for sure. That's why I only have him tend to town and not strong town. It's just one piece of the puzzle. Given the paucity of information I have on CSPVG (which to me does make him suspicious) at the moment I see it as the clearest piece. I will not hesitate to change my opinion if offered good reads to the contrary (of Vitek's analysis of CSPVG, the part I found convincing was the read on #448, but without the rest it takes less of a nefarious tone) or myself identify any incriminating behaviour.
mrkgnao: Thank you. What do you mean by "despite of alignment"?
DarkoD13: That I like your playstyle whether you're town or mafia.
I believe that should be "regardless of alignment", rather than "despite of alignment".
I am glad you clarified.
mrkgnao: I believe that should be "regardless of alignment", rather than "despite of alignment".
mrkgnao: That's why I tend to believe for now that CSPVG is more likely to be town.
Vitek: You could also say it was for very much this reason.
He realised they have the same ship model and knew it would look bad in the future when he will claim (he admits that himself) so he put it out there to gain some good will "now" (back then) by sahring it willingly. I find this quite WIFOMy and it can go both ways.
I believe my answer to HijacK also answers you. It's possible, but I find it less likely.
The one truly scummy thing I've seen from Vitek is his post where he says he would be OK with lynching Krypsyn for inactivity and other reasons. I found it to be extremely out of character and I would probably vote him for it,
But then I see Krypsyn's reads, where he has me as top scum along with Vitek and I begin doubting myself. I know he has a history of suspecting me, but it's getting ridiculous the 3rd time around. In our previous game, he probably suspected me even after I got NKed, while he was chilling in the Cop quicktopic with a scum.

Krypsyn: Vitek (Scum):

I seems like his posts during Day 2 have be more interested finding things wrong with other people's posts, rather that being pro-active with anaysis. He seems to try to find minor problems with other people's posts, then make these mole hills into mountains. I see this as more disruptive and obfuscating than as actual scum-hunting.

My prime example of this is perhaps a little OMGUS. When I was replying to trentonlf, and I only quoted part of his post in my reply, trentonlf questioned me about it. I didn't think it was a big deal, but it was a decent enough follow up by trentonlf. However, Vitek jumped on, also putting pressure on my for “omitting” details to make trentonf look guilty. The way he followed up someone to attack me (for what I believe is a weak reason) is highly suspect.

Lastly, when he has made potentially pro-town posts, such as his reads post in 941, they have seem very weak, with little bite. He essentially says he doesn't think anyone has done anything to seem that scummy. Super.

This along with how he fence-sat regarding the adaliabooks lynch, and never voted makes him one of my top two scum candidates.
Vitek's participation is always minimal and limited to sarcastic remarks/trying to kill conversations he deems anti-town, up to the point when he focuses on a player for a minor thing and they fight for the rest of the game (or until one of them dies). Has your experience with Vitek been so different from mine?
I'd be interested in you showing me a game where Vitek was active in bandwagons though, especially on Day 1.

Krypsyn: One of my major complaints about DarkoD13 is that he was always nitpicking others, but never coming out with something positive. I even noted his stance on trentonlf (but not yogsloth) in my notes, but I missed it while compiling my reads post. By no means does this exonerate him, but he no longer is at the bottom of my list; Vitek is now (hence he gets my vote).
Well, you know, it's not like I've done a reads post recently, it was easy to miss.

trentonlf: @Krypsyn. Where has Darko attempted to twist what others have said? I can't seem to find anywhere he does and you left no links to posts that show it.
Krypsyn: Posts 641 and 659 are good examples of this.
Right now, the voting pool for me is Vitek, Krypsyn, Sage103082. Sage's notes post was an interesting touch though, I'll have to go through her posts again before making up my mind.
I wouldn't vote for CSPVG at the moment for reasons I've mentioned before (I've also seen them mentioned by Vitek somewhere).
I will be updating my reads later this evening (10-12 hours). I am at work and about to do a lot of driving so don't have time now.
mrkgnao: I believe my answer to HijacK also answers you. It's possible, but I find it less likely.
My reasoning still makes more sense to me but it's up to everyone to interpret it.
It's the smallest problem I've got with him. I found the way he worked himself to Rob vote Today more problematic than this.

It's girlfriend's birthday today and we are going out soon for tonight. We will also have special program tomorrow and I am not sure if I will be able to get to post here so excuse my absence if I don't show up.
Vitek: girlfriend
Lynch all liars. :P
Just wanted to kickoff today with a thought, and then will try to analzye the considerable amount of info that developed overnight.

Since we seem to have seven different players with votes to their name, that seems to be a pretty clear indication of how disorganized and generally poor town has been playing day two. With it highly probably there are multiple scum left, we need to narrow our focus, and some players should probably let go of ther #1 target and agree to find a consensus candidate, even if some of us need to go to our 2nd choice.

As such, as it is clear I won't sway anybody here on Day2:

Unvote HijacK

I would like to try and focus among the more "popular" candidates left, but I really really would like to have some valuable contribution from CSPVG.
Vitek: It's the smallest problem I've got with him. I found the way he worked himself to Rob vote Today more problematic than this.
That's a fair point and I agree that your case against him on that front is more substantial. However, for obvious reasons, I am the last person who can fault him for suspecting Robbeasy.

Vitek: It's girlfriend's birthday today
I thought Sage's birthday was yesterday.
yogsloth: Since we seem to have seven different players with votes to their name, that seems to be a pretty clear indication of how disorganized and generally poor town has been playing day two.
I couldn't agree more. Worse, as far as I can tell, everyone is on someone's scum list.
Sage103082: Ypgs- He calls my play style out for game 1 - My first ever game -

game 2 - he thought I was scum the whole time - so my play style sucked

game 3 (this one) He calls out my staying on the side lines and now just posting better.....well if we wanna go that route your game play is backwards... scum tend to sink and town tend to get their footing as scum post more and more nonsense.
Hacking my way through last night's stuff. First off, thanks to Sage for this post. It took me a minute to realize to read from the bottom up! See, this is extremely useful stuff. My advice is do more of this. I don't write notes like this, but your post makes me think actually I should, as when read in order, it can clarify your thoughts, and that might be useful to me. It's certainly helpful to the group.

I wanted to comment on this one note quoted above, however. Just because I thought you were scum last game doesn't mean I thought your play style "sucked". That's too harsh. By "grating on me" I meant that your posting pattern in #23 felt so distanced from the game that it was clearly scum-like, and the fact you turned out to be town wasn't helpful to you. For the first 1½ days in this game I felt you moved even further away from straight-forward contribution. It's still difficult to move you into a firmly pro-town category because of this. Thanks again for posting these notes, though, as this is the kind of thing that helps your case, I think.
Sage103082: Your post was not my reason I voted for yogs. I did say I agreed with some of your points. I never once said your post was the sole reason I voted for him. As for MY notes they are just that mine. When I was jotting down things for myself I had no reason to quote or name a number on each post. When I read them over I can pretty much remember what was going on that had me write something on it. I also do not write down everything that pops into my head. Like I stated before these notes are my own for my reference from things I found interesting, points I want to remember, things i might find off or things I might find good.

Take my notes as you will that is your right but for now I am going to bed.
HijacK: Then do me this favor. Explain why exactly you find yog scum. With your words, not anyone else's.
Are my notes not my own words? or are you trying to get at something?

I have a few notes I have on yogs from some of his posts that I find off. Now your questions seems like you could care less about the posts that I find off and you want my own words. So basically I found some of his post scummy. I have kept an eye on yogs for many reasons but starting with him staying in books list and never moving. This could be scum keeping scum close or not, But I am trying to look at everything. Some of his posts feel like they are going around in circles at other times it seems like he is only looking in one direction. His change in play. I feel he was trying to play a good game and for some reason it changed. He also seemed to care a little to much about what others were thinking of his game play. I found that off. Town should be worried about finding scum not about what others will think of there game play. Yes, they should take pointers and improve or stop playing a certain way if it is not in the best interest to town, but do this when fellow town bring up something not bring your play style to try to cover something. If town wins all town wins.
Yogs is also not the only person I have looked at and I am open to reading all the posts and other people ideas and thoughts and taking them into consideration as well. I am doing what I should be doing. Looking for things off and questioning them and voting.