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mrkgnao: While we're waiting for the others, let's discuss the important stuff: Have you begun "Wasteland 2"?
dedoporno: Downloaded and installed it, then read about some nasty bug that needs addressing asap.

I hate to stumble upon such stuff, especially for a game that I have been expecting for the last 15 years, so I'm doing my best to keep away from it until some more patching is done. Hard contain myself, but I find consolation in playing with my kid :) And, now with you, guys.

I won't ask you the same question in order not to get too jealous and lose my cool, but will take a rain check on discussing it further on.

So, you town or what?
I have not played any Wasteland 2, but I did finish Bordelands 2. I think I will do another run through BL2 again with a different character, maybe a siren this time.
I have started a new playthrough of KOTOR recently and I'm hoping this time I will finally finish the game.
trentonlf: I have not played any Wasteland 2, but I did finish Bordelands 2. I think I will do another run through BL2 again with a different character, maybe a siren this time.
I don't really follow games that are not on GOG, so are these games in any way related beyond the similarity in names?

BTW, was the pun intended on your part? As in Bordelands (without r) = Bordello + Lands.
trentonlf: I have not played any Wasteland 2, but I did finish Bordelands 2. I think I will do another run through BL2 again with a different character, maybe a siren this time.
mrkgnao: I don't really follow games that are not on GOG, so are these games in any way related beyond the similarity in names?

BTW, was the pun intended on your part? As in Bordelands (without r) = Bordello + Lands.
Just a misspelling. And no, the games are not related at all outside of some RPG aspects and various similar themes here and there related to a post apocalyptic environment.
trentonlf: I have not played any Wasteland 2, but I did finish Bordelands 2. I think I will do another run through BL2 again with a different character, maybe a siren this time.
mrkgnao: I don't really follow games that are not on GOG, so are these games in any way related beyond the similarity in names?

BTW, was the pun intended on your part? As in Bordelands (without r) = Bordello + Lands.
As Hijack said, misspelling on my part. It should have been Borderlands 2. It's sadly not on GOG :-(
HijacK: I have started a new playthrough of KOTOR recently and I'm hoping this time I will finally finish the game.
KOTOR was pretty good, except that some of the Dark Side dialogue was a little on the Chaotic Stupid side of evil. KOTOR2 was better about that though; it had Kriea.

I'll just go back to playing Marriage Simulator 2 ... I mean Crusader Kings 2 ...
HijacK: I have started a new playthrough of KOTOR recently and I'm hoping this time I will finally finish the game.
Krypsyn: KOTOR was pretty good, except that some of the Dark Side dialogue was a little on the Chaotic Stupid side of evil. KOTOR2 was better about that though; it had Kriea.

I'll just go back to playing Marriage Simulator 2 ... I mean Crusader Kings 2 ...
Kriea? What's that? Is it related to the story, thus being a spoiler?
mrkgnao: I'm town. What about you, are you what or scum?
"What" and proud!

trentonlf: I have not played any Wasteland 2, but I did finish Bordelands 2. I think I will do another run through BL2 again with a different character, maybe a siren this time.
And I thought you didn't like playing alone :D I'm interested in the Siren, too.
HijacK: Kriea? What's that? Is it related to the story, thus being a spoiler?
Yes, it is a horrible spoiler. You meet her about 5 minutes into the game :). I just really like the character.
HijacK: Kriea? What's that? Is it related to the story, thus being a spoiler?
Krypsyn: Yes, it is a horrible spoiler. You meet her about 5 minutes into the game :). I just really like the character.
Pfff, don't tell me! =P I haven't played that game yet. Heck I haven't even finished the first or even own the sequel to attempt a playthrough.
HijacK: Pfff, don't tell me! =P I haven't played that game yet. Heck I haven't even finished the first or even own the sequel to attempt a playthrough.
I was being semi-sarcastic, sorry. You meet Kriea almost immediately, and I really like her dialogue and voice actor. I don't think that is spoiling anything. KOTOR2 was developed by Obsidian, and they tend to do dialogue better than BioWare, imho. That is all I was saying. :)
HijacK: Pfff, don't tell me! =P I haven't played that game yet. Heck I haven't even finished the first or even own the sequel to attempt a playthrough.
Krypsyn: I was being semi-sarcastic, sorry. You meet Kriea almost immediately, and I really like her dialogue and voice actor. I don't think that is spoiling anything. KOTOR2 was developed by Obsidian, and they tend to do dialogue better than BioWare, imho. That is all I was saying. :)
I was kidding with the first part of the post, sheesh! I thought the "=P'" part was obvious.
I'm playing Witcher 2 making me laugh at the number of people playing games with twos at the end.

Anyway, it seems everyone has checked in....including CSPVG with an entire post.

Awesome...just kidding. ;)

I also forgot about how much I was laughing at Vitek earlier because he was clearly voting for everybody. At one time having votes on four different player I think. A clear attempt to "Hijack" the game I must say, har har, as the ever vigilant mod then made an obvious rules clarification.

But still noted.
flubbucket: I'm playing Witcher 2 making me laugh at the number of people playing games with twos at the end.
What's twos?

And is The Witcher 2 really good? I loved the first one and am a fan of the books, so I'm really looking forward to it. 3 as well :)
HijacK: I have started a new playthrough of KOTOR recently and I'm hoping this time I will finally finish the game.
Krypsyn: KOTOR was pretty good, except that some of the Dark Side dialogue was a little on the Chaotic Stupid side of evil. KOTOR2 was better about that though; it had Kriea.

I'll just go back to playing Marriage Simulator 2 ... I mean Crusader Kings 2 ...
Me too!
Crusader Kings is awesome. I'm fairly sure I'm going to be annihilated soon in my current game though, the Holy Roman Empire pretty much controls most of Europe and is thwarting all my plans for expansion.