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HijacK: Assuming such a scenario is true, exactly how is being lynched a better outcome than getting NK'd and taking a scum down? Cops don't night kill. Vigilantes do.
" The Paranoid Gun Owner is a very swingy role, as in addition to killing the Mafia if they target him, it will indiscriminately kill Cops, Doctors, etc. "
HijacK: Assuming such a scenario is true, exactly how is being lynched a better outcome than getting NK'd and taking a scum down? Cops don't night kill. Vigilantes do.
I believe you are confusing this with the Vengeful modifier which kills whoever killed them. PGO kills the player who performed a night action on them.
trentonlf: I would like to hear from others on adaliabooks before we hammer anything.
I believe the main thing that drew our attention to adaliabooks is the relative weakness of some of his arguments and the ease with which he was willing to retract them when confronted. This has been commented upon by quite a few going back at least 5 real-time days now.

I find most of the other points made against him (e.g. the four scum, the train incident) of little relevance in hindsight, execpt in that they might have rattled him. In truth, I must admit I still don't really understand the train incident that well. It seems, according to Krypsyn (#469), that Vitek had made some "point/joke" (if he did I missed it). I also still don't understand what Robbeasy (#142) meant by "Can you see why I'm doing this?" (doing what? and indeed why?). But I guess I can live with my ignorance.

Unlike HijacK, I understand why adaliabooks used the word "misinterpret". I believe what he's saying is "Yes. I've made some questionable posts along the line, but I'm still town, and you are misinterpreting weak arguments as an indication of my being scum". That by itself, while possibly true, does not, however, balance for me the sum of his past posts. This argument could just as easily be that of a scum trying to save his hide as a townie trying to dissuade us from making a mistake.
mrkgnao: I still don't really understand the train incident that well. It seems, according to Krypsyn (#469), that Vitek had made some "point/joke" (if he did I missed it)
Hmm. I'm not sure how to respond to that.
mrkgnao: I still don't really understand the train incident that well. It seems, according to Krypsyn (#469), that Vitek had made some "point/joke" (if he did I missed it)
DarkoD13: Hmm. I'm not sure how to respond to that.
No need to respond. As I said, I can live with my having missed some joke.

Thank you anyhow for allowing me to post.

One thing I forgot to add to my previous post:
P.S. Regardless of anything, I think "Who are you calling vanilla?" is a brilliant riposte.

While I was posting my answer to trentonlf, adaliabooks role-claimed (serves me right for not reloading before posting). It does put a twist on things. I need to think about it. I am about to leave to work. Will think some more on it en route. I suspect everyone else will too.
Especially since it's not a secret at this point.
mrkgnao: This argument could just as easily be that of a scum trying to save his hide as a townie trying to dissuade us from making a mistake.
I'm thinking the same thing (damn, could I really be schizophrenic and talking to myself right now?!). In this situation this role could be a pretty good try to avoid a lynch.

An actual, confirmed PGO should immediately become bullet-proof, scum won't touch him with a 10 foot pole - a credible excuse why he keeps surviving the nights. Of course, a role-blocker may be able to silence him and live to tell the tale, but this will be a risky play, because the blocker will have to have priority.

On the other side we will be equally afraid to act upon him in whatever way, thus becoming impossible to prove his town alignment.

From this point on I see adaliabooks as nothing less than a threat towards the town. With that said I will backup him up in his statement that it's best to take him out.
mrkgnao: Thank you anyhow for allowing me to post.
There was a 19-minute delay between your two posts, no need to thank me. :D
Thanks for the claim adaliabooks and I agree it would have been nice for you to have drawn a night kill, but those are the breaks.

mrkgnao: Thank you anyhow for allowing me to post.
DarkoD13: There was a 19-minute delay between your two posts, no need to thank me. :D
There were 8 minutes when I clicked "reply". So the thank you stands. Must really move now. Will continue at work (assuming the day does not end first).
mrkgnao: In truth, I must admit I still don't really understand the train incident that well. It seems, according to Krypsyn (#469), that Vitek had made some "point/joke" (if he did I missed it). I also still don't understand what Robbeasy (#142) meant by "Can you see why I'm doing this?" (doing what? and indeed why?). But I guess I can live with my ignorance.
I can not speak for Krypsyn and what he saw, but what I saw was when Vitek said "I am spaceship" leaving off "the" or "a" before spaceship. Seemed to be hinting at something or trying to get a reaction, and that's when adaliabooks said he was a train. I did not see anything off by the train comment, but it seemed Rob did. Rob then placed a vote on adaliabooks and asked "Can you see why I'm doing this?" in reference to placing his vote. After adaliabooks explained why he said train Rob removed his vote.
dedoporno: ..............................

An actual, confirmed PGO should immediately become bullet-proof, scum won't touch him with a 10 foot pole - a credible excuse why he keeps surviving the nights. Of course, a role-blocker may be able to silence him and live to tell the tale, but this will be a risky play, because the blocker will have to have priority.

Usually a "triggered" action is not subject to the roleblocker and more than likely would get shot attempting to block. Natural Action Resolution would be to find an action such that its effect cannot possibly be modified by any other action, then resolve it.

Please do NOT take this as me speaking for Telika. I'm merely pointing out what can usually happen. The roleblocker will usually block things by players do by choice. Hence my screw up last game where I thought Mason talk was blocked and such.

But hey, I'm pretty not smart!!
What do you think of adaliabooks and his claim?

I am leaning toward a desperate plea to not be lynched by role claiming.
trentonlf: What do you think of adaliabooks and his claim?

I am leaning toward a desperate plea to not be lynched by role claiming.
It could very well be the truth and the reason he's been scummy could indeed be his admitted carelessness. But I don't really see a benefit in not lynching him to verify that claim. I can't see a scenario where he'd be useful to town now. If he is scum though, kudos for the claim, it's great way to avoid being targeted.
I do however want to hear some more opinions before the hammer, especially from the people currently voting for someone other than adalia.
trentonlf: What do you think of adaliabooks and his claim?

I am leaning toward a desperate plea to not be lynched by role claiming.
DarkoD13: It could very well be the truth and the reason he's been scummy could indeed be his admitted carelessness. But I don't really see a benefit in not lynching him to verify that claim. I can't see a scenario where he'd be useful to town now. If he is scum though, kudos for the claim, it's great way to avoid being targeted.
I do however want to hear some more opinions before the hammer, especially from the people currently voting for someone other than adalia.
I agree, that is why I removed my vote for now.