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trentonlf: snip
Sage103082: @ MrK -- Thank you. I was not sure I would make it.
So, any interesting news from the sick bay?
Not really. No one is on there now. The last post other then me was around 2 pm est.

Books seems to be picking what he says very carefully. I did ask the group who they thought was going to be NK (after Telika posted it would be a few more days) and books answered with a name and ended it with they picked him and i see why but I would have picked someone else.. Now I can not trust books to not try to taint me and have me post something to throw the group off. I will post who he said was picked but I want to wait until everyone posts about the night actions and if anyone felt anything.

He did say that they thought about throwing in the towel but decided to fight because it would be more fun. and that the QT was very quiet compared to the scum thread.
Well, I do declare. How awfully kind of adaliabooks to provide us with the name of the NK target. He is a gentleman and a scholar. :D
DarkoD13: Well, I do declare. How awfully kind of adaliabooks to provide us with the name of the NK target. He is a gentleman and a scholar. :D
I would say he is a Super Considerate Undeniable Mensch.
Scaringly caring, undoubtedly mindful.
I used my ability to protect Dedoporno. I feel the reason why I did this is quite obvious enough: he claimed to be the cop (and was not counterclaimed), and I wanted to give him the opportunity to investigate someone and report back to us.

Krypsyn seems to be today's most likely lynch, but I will withhold my vote until we have had a little more discussion.
mrkgnao: @dedo, I must confess that I consider your night action somewhat of a waste. It was pretty obvious that Krypsyn would be today's lynch target after HijacK flipped town, since we practically decided to go through the list of investigative roles and a watcher is less powerful than a cop. I do find your choice therefore a bit suspicious (sacrificing a near-dead scum buddy to "confirm" your claim?).
Fair enough, but I happen to disagree. In my eyes it's better to have something confirmed rather than make speculations about it, especially against a more experienced player. I have to say I find you somewhat suspicious now, but we'll have to see about that at a later stage.

Krypsyn: Dedoporno is lying about his results. I was expecting it after HijacK's flip and his, probably false, claim.
Of course I am! I knew it was pointless to try and frame you... I find it funny, though, how you said you liked my play so far and you believed my claim, and suddenly BAM! I'm a liar. Oh my...

CSPVG, thanks for having my back, mate!

We got things in motion now and I, just like the rest, would like to hear all opinions before things are set in stone. I'm going out for a few hours to the movies and a walk with my family. Since we all know how fast things can move

Unvote Krypsyn

and I'll hop on again after we get back. Whatever happens my vote will be with him today.
Blimey - we back, finally!!

Interesting start to the day - as a Mafia player, Dedo would have absolutely no reason to go after Krypsyn in this manner, with so many players left.

If Krypsyn flips town after lynch, then Dedo gets it tomorrow, and we only lose one day. The sacrifice of a Mafia player just to rid us of Krypsyn is not worth it - therefore I have to assume Dedo is telling the truth, and Krypsyn is scum.

Have we all checked in now? Good.

vote Krypsyn

If he flips town, Dedo is next. If he flips Mafia, we are in a massively strong position.
No, Vitek hasn't shared who he targeted and I also want a response from yogsloth about why he targeted me.
DarkoD13: No, Vitek hasn't shared who he targeted and I also want a response from yogsloth about why he targeted me.
One was wondering: Did you receive a PM with any flavour/ information indicating that you had been targeted?
CSPVG: One was wondering: Did you receive a PM with any flavour/ information indicating that you had been targeted?
I did, one. Which makes another one wonder if that was the main point of targeting one that has already been somewhat confirmed as town.
DarkoD13: I did, one. Which makes another one wonder if that was the main point of targeting one that has already been somewhat confirmed as town.
Would you care to share with us what this PM stated?
CSPVG: Would you care to share with us what this PM stated?
I'll wait to hear yogsloth's reasoning first.
I indeed scrambled CSPVG (I am not redirecting as Krypsyn mention but preventing investigation), so everyone targeting him would get no result. I picked him because I knew no town will investigate him so I wouldn't come in way of useful powers.
So Krypsyn is at least not lying about who he targeted if he knows it.
Not sure why he was informed about me if shouldn't be able to watch anyone. I was thinking he wouldn't be affected, though, as I scramble the ship and as he said he scans surroundings of ship and he is not in fact investigating the ship but those who visit.

He still should be lynched.
@dedo; What type of results do you get? Non-town, Mafia, Olipsi?
Vitek: I indeed scrambled CSPVG (I am not redirecting as Krypsyn mention but preventing investigation), so everyone targeting him would get no result. I picked him because I knew no town will investigate him so I wouldn't come in way of useful powers.
So Krypsyn is at least not lying about who he targeted if he knows it.
Not sure why he was informed about me if shouldn't be able to watch anyone. I was thinking he wouldn't be affected, though, as I scramble the ship and as he said he scans surroundings of ship and he is not in fact investigating the ship but those who visit.
I agree it sounds weird. He saw you acting on CSPVG, so he wasn't in fact affected by your block, yet he got an indication of a malfunction, which seems to imply he could have been affected. I wonder what would have happened if the scum had killed CSPVG, would have Krypsyn seen the killer?

Do you get any PM as a result of your night action?