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My first chance to get on today, too. Long day. Two Little League games (one of which I coached), hockey practice, and family stuff. Tomorrow I may not be on much either, as my wife is running the Long Beach Marathon.

I'm very glad the game has started, at least. I know I took a little risk sticking my neck out first, but we're finally making progress. Interesting watching all the interplay, but folks are still playing their cards pretty tight.

Lurkers do bother me. Glad to see Sage post after a tough couple of days, but is CSPVG even in this game? I will assume real life issues there too, for now.

I too am waiting for the usual Hijack "You're all a bunch of idiots" post, but so far we've only had little teasers. Town or scum, I have no idea, I'm just a little disappointed. It's like becoming a contestant on The Biggest Loser and not getting yelled at by Jillian Michaels. (Non-US posters, I'm sure your wives watch some comparably idiotic TV show, you get the point.) I'm also waiting for the first Krypsyn ten-paragraph multi-quote psychoanalysis special.

Vitek's "slip" is obvious troll being obvious. Didn't read anything into it other than he's trying to bait a reaction.

I guess the only thing bugging me still is flub role-claiming five minutes into the game and then refusing to discuss it or even acknowledge it. It doesn't ping as exclusively scum; I just want to know the story as it continues to be literally the only tiny tidbit of in-game information/disinformation that's been revealed.
flubbucket: Thanks for the write up Saggy.
My eyes are up here and I put my bra back on. Happy. =P
Sage103082: snip
Not really sure how well you read this thread given those observations and their wording.
flubbucket: Thanks for the write up Saggy.
Sage103082: My eyes are up here and I put my bra back on. Happy. =P
Not in my mind's eye....

Back to frolic fest and making clover necklaces.
Okay I think I've devised an airtight method to separate the scum from the town.

Since this is a game taking place in outer space, and Captain James T. Kirk was a starship captain in outer space correct?

Well then James Kirk was played by William Shatner and he has a show on DIY network. Vanilla Ice also has a show on the DIY network.

I think everyone should answer the poll question:

Who would win a spoken word/rap battle, William Shatner or Vanilla Ice??

The answer will obviously show scum or head explodes with brain ideas!!!!!!!!
flubbucket: Okay I think I've devised an airtight method to separate the scum from the town.

Since this is a game taking place in outer space, and Captain James T. Kirk was a starship captain in outer space correct?

Well then James Kirk was played by William Shatner and he has a show on DIY network. Vanilla Ice also has a show on the DIY network.

I think everyone should answer the poll question:

Who would win a spoken word/rap battle, William Shatner or Vanilla Ice??

The answer will obviously show scum or head explodes with brain ideas!!!!!!!!
Clearly Shatner would win hands down.

This does beg the (completely irrelevant) question. What the hell does Vanilla Ice do in a DIY show?

I think everyone's making pretty valid points, glad to see Sage back in the game. I'm getting a fairly pro town read off her so far.

I'm not sure what to make of HijacK. Maybe his change of style is because he took to heart what was said in the observer thread last game, maybe it's because he's got a reason to stay alive this game.

I think Vitek's 'slip' was probably intended to incite a reaction and see who jumped on it / what was said. I gather he's quite an experienced player and it seems unlikely he would make such an obvious mistake on day 1.

Still waiting to hear from CSPVG.
[url=]Would [url=] A Rap Battle?
adaliabooks: This does beg the (completely irrelevant) question. What the hell does Vanilla Ice do in a DIY show?
FYI the DIY thingy

I really can't watch these shows because I get annoyed at the unrealistic nature of them in general.

"Hey Ken and Barbie, what would you do to your $100,000 dream home with an additional $200,000?"

"Why I'd burn it down and move to a better neighborhood without all the trashy people, smiling and bubbly host!!"
trentonlf: You state that you believe I post useless chatter to gain credibility. There is where we differ in how we garner information. What you call useless chatter is in my opinion a tool to get others to talk. You seem to think that the only way to play the game is your way and that is not the case. Also, I rather enjoy the "useless chatter" in the game as it is a way to make friends. You might see this as only a game, but I see it as more. To me it is a group of friends getting together and having fun, and that entails talking about anything.
My time machine works! I've traveled back in time to game #23!

adaliabooks: I'm not sure what to make of HijacK. Maybe his change of style is because he took to heart what was said in the observer thread last game, maybe it's because he's got a reason to stay alive this game.
In case you're scum and have just skimmed through posts, I'll point you to post 137. If you ever talked to me outside of games, maybe you'd have an idea of my "style".
flubbucket: Okay I think I've devised an airtight method to separate the scum from the town.

Since this is a game taking place in outer space, and Captain James T. Kirk was a starship captain in outer space correct?

Well then James Kirk was played by William Shatner and he has a show on DIY network. Vanilla Ice also has a show on the DIY network.

I think everyone should answer the poll question:

Who would win a spoken word/rap battle, William Shatner or Vanilla Ice??

The answer will obviously show scum or head explodes with brain ideas!!!!!!!!
Not really sure how this will tell you the difference between town and scum, unless of course it is a trap question and you're not as much looking at the answers, but other details. This being said, I will try to answer the question.

First of all, I know who Captain Kirk is, but who is Vanilla Ice? And what is DIY Network? A TV Post? And this is the first time I ever heard (technically read) Captain Kirk actor's name.
adaliabooks: I'm not sure what to make of HijacK. Maybe his change of style is because he took to heart what was said in the observer thread last game, maybe it's because he's got a reason to stay alive this game.
HijacK: In case you're scum and have just skimmed through posts, I'll point you to post 137. If you ever talked to me outside of games, maybe you'd have an idea of my "style".
Soft claim Space Barber??
flubbucket: [url=]Would [url=] A Rap <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> No [url=]Common People? For shame.

I haven't played with HijacK before, but having read parts of the last couple of games I am aware he's less aggressive this time around (so far at least). I'm sure Vitek will be all over all that meta stuff in the following days though (assuming he's town).
I don't really know what to make of it and it's way too soon for draw a conclusion anyway, but from my own past games I did tend to be somewhat more aggressive as town. But really, we've been out of RVS for about a day. Way too soon.
As Hijack got bounced out of both games he played in very early due to his play 'style' , I think he's trying a different approach this time. (not criticism by the way Hijack, my only complaint was it wasn't very pro-town - the style is irrelevant)

As to whether this indicates a change of role - very difficult to say. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment - ie the complete change in style has nothing to do with alignment, and all to do with a desire to last more than 1 day...
adaliabooks: I'm not sure what to make of HijacK. Maybe his change of style is because he took to heart what was said in the observer thread last game, maybe it's because he's got a reason to stay alive this game.
HijacK: In case you're scum and have just skimmed through posts, I'll point you to post 137. If you ever talked to me outside of games, maybe you'd have an idea of my "style".
I have read that post (and all the others) a number of times. You yourself suggest that how you are behaving and how it comes across may be completely fabricated, so I think it's entirely relevant to wonder to what purpose.

I will admit I haven't spoken directly to you much (or possibly at all) outside these games, but that can be said of most of the other players too (as in I haven't spoken to them). I do however read a lot of the threads on the forum without posting or engaging and can gauge from that what is likely to be real behaviour and what is a front.