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Hey, regardless of game play or alignment, welcome back! Good to hear from you and know that there is nothing long-term to worry about.

I'll try to address your points to me directly.

Vitek: Wasn't yog fearmongering with having no time somehwere last week? Pfft.
I think fear-mongering might be a bit of a harsh term, and maybe it’s all in my own mind, but when we had votes on seven different people and the deadline was first coming up, yep I got a little nervous. I am less so now, as I don’t think anyone is going to let it go to no lynch at this point. :)

Vitek: Not sure why yog added his question to trent about word that was already answered by someone else. Seemed to me a bit like he butted in only to gain some credit as well.
If you think about the way it fit together, it will make sense. Darko checked trent first, confirming by having trent give the first word. Darko then gave the last word, and trent confirmed. That allows those two to clear each other.

But then Darko had Robb give the 3rd word… which clears those two… but there was no direct link between Robb and trent! I wanted confirmation from trent that the word was the same, so you now have a three-point triangle with each point connecting to and clearing the other.

Vitek: I am not sure about yogsloth x Krypsyn fight, but somewhat I get feeling it's not really town x town fight.
I think yog made a lot of unconvincing points and I don't see Krypsyn slinging votes without reasoning. And as matter of fact, I tend to see Krypsyn explain his votes more as mafia then town because he is too concerned they will be attacked.
Also yog, you explain how his not voting the player with more votes and then changing vote seevral tiems is scummy but could you say why? What would mafia gain from it and waht amkes it scummy?
Well, I kept saying it was “weird” or “off” or some variation, and not directly scummy. In fact, I’m pretty sure I said that in my first write-up. My initial read wasn’t that it was scummy, but rather that it was calculated to some end I couldn’t uncover. I was hoping for better reasoning, and was never really satisfied with what I got. When all my scum candidates fell apart one by one, I moved my vote for Krypsyn just for the sake of not getting to no-lynch, as my failure to understand his vote flipping is the best I’ve got at this point. That thin reason was the least-worst option I felt I had. I understand it’s not the best line of reasoning on my part. I admit that I just flat-out don’t have anything better. I won’t vote for sage, CSPVG, or trent. Hijack or Robb only as a last resort. Dedo, Darko, mrk don’t do it for me at this point. Neither do you, although you seem to have managed to convince a few others differently. :) That leaves only Krypsyn. I really feel like I’m doing my best here with what I have… and it’s a little frustrating to take so much heat for it, when I could have just taken the easy way out and sat on the fence and offended nobody.

I think mafia’s plan today was to confuse and disperse focus. Having six or seven different players with votes on them, and having votes constantly changing around, and making sure there were eleven names on various scum lists… that benefits scum only. That was the game plan. Maybe Krypsyn is part of it and maybe not. I cannot know for sure.

Of course, Krypsyn’s subsequent perusal of me as a target doesn’t thrill me, as now I really do have to view him as either:
a) Scum, coming after me to deflect attention, or
b) Town, and just playing badly

Option b is quite possible. I realize the newbie calling the veteran out for bad play is… in poor taste, if nothing else… but what other conclusion should I draw?

Maybe I’m crazy. Literally not one other player seems to think it’s at all unusual for Krypsyn to be constantly changing his vote to a candidate nobody else supports. Maybe that’s the reasonable veteran play to make and it’s part of some kind of longer strategy I don’t see. But until somebody can explain it to me, it’s all I’ve got to go on.

Vitek: I am overall unconvinced by yog D2 but there is still his interactions with adlaia on D1.
On the other hand he said something in the line how he would have to be genius newbie to concot the D1 fight with adalia, but it is also possible he got into that town with buddy and haven't found any way out later when it picked up.
Okay now. I was consistent from early in the day about pursuing adalia. I was then the third vote on the wagon and never backed off. After adalia role claimed, I was quite firm about not getting off the wagon and continuing with the lynch. Are you trying to revise history here?

Vitek: Still, I don't know, but I think he could get my vote instead of darko.
Well… fair enough, I guess. You could get my vote almost as easily as Krypsyn to avoid the no-lynch. :)
It's a good post, Vitek. I wish we had seen more of these from you before.

Vitek: On the other hand he said something in the line how he would have to be genius newbie to concot the D1 fight with adalia, but it is also possible he got into that town with buddy and haven't found any way out later when it picked up.
I assume that by "that town with buddy" you mean something like "that fight with buddy". Right?
That's an intriguing point I hadn't thought about, because that is exactly the argument yogsloth used against HijacK, if I am not mistaken.

Vitek: I think Sage is more likely to be neutral, although as Krypsyn said, there could be more to her role then she admits.
This has been troubling me too. As I said before, I find her being a Mark III inconsistent. Why would a powerless ship be a Mark III? Still, I too believe she is third party and therefore don't favour her as a lynch target today.
mrkgnao: I assume that by "that town with buddy" you mean something like "that fight with buddy". Right?
That's an intriguing point I hadn't thought about, because that is exactly the argument yogsloth used against HijacK, if I am not mistaken.
You're mistaken. :)

HijacK never voted for adalia and made no direct comment in favor of lynching him until he was already at L-1. My argument was that he started poking adaila as part of his usual game play, the wagon took off, and he held back and refused to join in in any direct way until it was too late too stop. An accidental bussing, as I said repeatedly. Nobody else cared for this theory, so I discarded it.

Krypsyn (and now, I guess Vitek) are suggesting I very carefully calculated the entire campaign against adaila from minute one. You tell me if that's credible. I get flak for conspiracy theories, and somebody comes up with this?

OK, I'm done defending myself. :) Either you think I'm evil genius scummaster double-agent or you think I'm just enthusiastic and aggressive (and thus far succesful) in scum hunting, and it is what it is.
mrkgnao: I assume that by "that town with buddy" you mean something like "that fight with buddy". Right?
That's an intriguing point I hadn't thought about, because that is exactly the argument yogsloth used against HijacK, if I am not mistaken.
yogsloth: You're mistaken. :)

HijacK never voted for adalia and made no direct comment in favor of lynching him until he was already at L-1. My argument was that he started poking adaila as part of his usual game play, the wagon took off, and he held back and refused to join in in any direct way until it was too late too stop. An accidental bussing, as I said repeatedly. Nobody else cared for this theory, so I discarded it.

Krypsyn (and now, I guess Vitek) are suggesting I very carefully calculated the entire campaign against adaila from minute one. You tell me if that's credible. I get flak for conspiracy theories, and somebody comes up with this?

OK, I'm done defending myself. :) Either you think I'm evil genius scummaster double-agent or you think I'm just enthusiastic and aggressive (and thus far succesful) in scum hunting, and it is what it is.
I don't think that that was what Vitek was saying. Here is his quote (with "town" replaced by "fight").
"it is also possible he got into that [fight] with buddy and haven't found any way out later when it picked up."

This sounds to me like "accidental bussing", but I will wait for Vitek's corroboration.
Btw. Sorry to those who were concerned about my well-being.

dedoporno: Both of you have been in mu scum list for the entire D2. I already have a way to go after trent if I decide I want to. Even if I didn't think you were from different factions I would still go after my next in line if there is no new, usable information with the first lynch. Also, you are twisting my words. I didn't say I would go after trent, I said I would have to consider him once again. A lynch and a NK will more likely bring new stuff to the table.
Of course, it doesn't count unless you declare you won't budge from trent next Day because he will be certain scum. How silly of me to argue it when you only made passing mention of it. :-/
Doesn't really matt if you were onto him before. It makes your position stronger in any case, as you will be able to point abck to it and show how you said that and he needs to be scrutinized closely for my flip. It's not like you have overwhelming support for his lynch and anything that can help your cause is useful.

dedoporno: Also, I can't be certain I'll be around to go after anybody on the next day.
Ah, you will, mr. victim. :-)

dedoporno: I already said a couple of times that this is based simply on gut feeling and vibes and may, of course, be wrong.
You will reconsider him again as mafia after "finally leaving him alone" after I flip town only on vibes?

yogsloth: If you think about the way it fit together, it will make sense. Darko checked trent first, confirming by having trent give the first word. Darko then gave the last word, and trent confirmed. That allows those two to clear each other. But then Darko had Robb give the 3rd word… which clears those two… but there was no direct link between Robb and trent! I wanted confirmation from trent that the word was the same, so you now have a three-point triangle with each point connecting to and clearing the other.
Makes no sense. Why should there be any direct link between trent and Rob, let alone by something that could be easily found in the game thread (even on the same page)? They were both already linked by Darko.

yogsloth: Well, I kept saying it was “weird” or “off” or some variation, and not directly scummy. In fact, I’m pretty sure I said that in my first write-up. My initial read wasn’t that it was scummy, but rather that it was calculated to some end I couldn’t uncover....
But saying that something is "off" means nothing unless you say what and why.
We are supposed to find scummy things not off things and if someone points something as off, I assume they find it scummy. Why would they find it off if it is not scummy. We had a lot of lynches already only because someone acted not scummy but in the way town found weird/aggressive/off/strange/unusal/standing out. And those rarely hit target. It was mostly random lynch, but people love those.
So if someone finds something off and vote-worthy then I want to know why it makes that person scum.

yogsloth: Okay now. I was consistent from early in the day about pursuing adalia. I was then the third vote on the wagon and never backed off. After adalia role claimed, I was quite firm about not getting off the wagon and continuing with the lynch. Are you trying to revise history here?
Have I said anything else? I always gave you big +points for that lynch. I just reacted to your statement that it is ridiculous for newbie to go after his buddy (something like that) by saying that you went after him to gain some credit and it got out of your hands and you couldn't get out.

Pre-post preview: Yeah, I meant fight. I wrote it quickly and while I was thinking whether to use fight or argument, I ended up with totaly different unrelated word. :-)
I meant pre-post preview edit up there.

yogsloth: HijacK never voted for adalia and made no direct comment in favor of lynching him until he was already at L-1...
Besides your vote (which gives you advantage over HijacK) that came later, after others comitted to the wagon, it is very similar behaviour to yours and it could mostly apply to you as well.

yogsloth: Krypsyn (and now, I guess Vitek) are suggesting I very carefully calculated the entire campaign against adaila from minute one. You tell me if that's credible. I get flak for conspiracy theories, and somebody comes up with this?
That's not what I was saying at all. Exact opposite. I was saying it got out of your hands and you were forced to stay on the wagon of your buddy to keep your appearance.
Since people are not in a rush to vote, there's a question I'd like to ask Darko. I don't expect it to affect votes today, but it is troubling me and I'd like to explore it.

@Darko, you asked trent about the first word of his subtitle and he answered "focused". What is the first word of your subtitle? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Everybody, this is not a frivolous question.
mrkgnao: Everybody, this is not a frivolous question.
Interesting. I agree that it is not frivolous.
Vitek: As for Sage, I still don't think she is ideal lynch for today but I also remembered this. (The part about mafia jess claiming survivor)
On an unrelated note - I just read through this game, as I hadn't before. That was hilarious. Love dat Day 1 suicide. Plus, it was a 13 player game that resolved in <600 posts total. LOL.

OK, sorry, back to your regularly scheduled game.
mrkgnao: @Darko, you asked trent about the first word of his subtitle and he answered "focused". What is the first word of your subtitle? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
The same. I would object if I saw something out of the ordinary.
The description of the role would fit both town and mafia alignments without needing any adjustment, if that's what you're getting at. I don't believe "focused" to be alignment-specific, but rather ship(/role)-specific.

I also hope that people who are not vanilla would object to my questions if "ship" was the 3rd word for them too. No one objected, so I take it that's not the case.

Vitek: I find the thing Darko did with trent and Robb fairly useful and I am willing to assume those 3 people know what tehy are talking about and speak truth.
That moves them all more toward town (although trent and Rob were there quite a lot already).
My heart grew two sizes. It was small to begin with, but still. :P
So you're completely ruling out mafia vanillas?
DarkoD13: I also hope that people who are not vanilla would object to my questions if "ship" was the 3rd word for them too. No one objected, so I take it that's not the case.
So your plan is for people with roles to out themselves?

As for the rest of it, I am withholding my comments with some consternation.
mrkgnao: @Darko, you asked trent about the first word of his subtitle and he answered "focused". What is the first word of your subtitle? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
DarkoD13: The same. I would object if I saw something out of the ordinary.
The description of the role would fit both town and mafia alignments without needing any adjustment, if that's what you're getting at. I don't believe "focused" to be alignment-specific, but rather ship(/role)-specific.
That's not at all what I'm after. I myself said as much in #1674.
So can I assume that you claimed vanilla?
Krypsyn: So your plan is for people with roles to out themselves?
Oh, shut up.

mrkgnao: So can I assume that you claimed vanilla?
Assume away.
mrkgnao: So can I assume that you claimed vanilla?
DarkoD13: Assume away.
In that case, could you please explain your post #1499. You were interrogating HijacK about his newly-claimed role and you wrote (my emphasis):
"Another critical question to me. What kind of mechanism do you use to get that info?"

Why is this critical to a vanilla?
If you're a vanilla, you can't verify his "mechanism".
And if you're a vanilla, how do you even know that a role description contains any mention of a "mechanism"?
DarkoD13: Oh, shut up.
Now, that wasn't very nice. ;)

No worries, I think you missed the point of what I am saying. No big deal.