Posted October 08, 2013

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 08, 2013

Zchinque did explain the mess he was in at that point quite well. He did ask us for input. Problem is, he asked us right after you had flipped town (town jester, but still town). Do you think that "popularity contest" would have let you survive if the double post was before the lynch?
At that point, it did seem like preferential treatment. I know it's not, and Zchinque was in a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" position, but I would have preferred if the rules were the same for everyone.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 08, 2013

Zchinque did explain the mess he was in at that point quite well. He did ask us for input. Problem is, he asked us right after you had flipped town (town jester, but still town). Do you think that "popularity contest" would have let you survive if the double post was before the lynch?
At that point, it did seem like preferential treatment. I know it's not, and Zchinque was in a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" position, but I would have preferred if the rules were the same for everyone.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted October 08, 2013

That is above and beyond how obviously your double post was a forum hiccup.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted October 08, 2013

Zchinque did explain the mess he was in at that point quite well. He did ask us for input. Problem is, he asked us right after you had flipped town (town jester, but still town). Do you think that "popularity contest" would have let you survive if the double post was before the lynch?
At that point, it did seem like preferential treatment. I know it's not, and Zchinque was in a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" position, but I would have preferred if the rules were the same for everyone.

It hinged on the idea that my play was too scummy to be scum and that the only reason someone wouldn't pick up on this is because they're covering up the fact they know me not to be scum. As I said, mostly WIFOM and as it turns out - wrong.
Well at least it wasn't because stupidly let slip that I might get more powers in the future. >.>

Luteless Bard
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted October 08, 2013

Zchinque did explain the mess he was in at that point quite well. He did ask us for input. Problem is, he asked us right after you had flipped town (town jester, but still town). Do you think that "popularity contest" would have let you survive if the double post was before the lynch?
At that point, it did seem like preferential treatment. I know it's not, and Zchinque was in a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" position, but I would have preferred if the rules were the same for everyone.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted October 08, 2013
explanation of mine actions?
Day 1:
I tried to role-play a paranoid schizophrenic, as I assumed that I at some point needed to explain why I was in an asylum. I found out from the mafia wiki that 'nurse' is generally seen as pro-town, so I knew I wanted to have that moniker. But I felt I needed to explain why a member of staff was an inmate.
I tried to see how the game works this day, and the fun part is that the post Ghost reacted to so much is not even me trying to be scummy, but how I would answer to a post like that in real life.... I learned that doing things like in real life was a mistake :)
Night 1:
I gave Flub the 1-shot vigilante, thinking that I needed to get that drug out of the way as soon as possible, when there was most number of players in the game. Things then should be chaotic and the chances one of us scum got hit was the least. I needed to get rid of it, as a drug had to be administered each night. If I did not choose one, one would be chosen on random, given to a random person. Flub was chosen as he was one of those who was outspoken, but not against any of us, therefore minimal chance of him hitting us.
Day 2:
Confusion... trying to draw attention away from ghost's accusation and building up the 'voices'. A little disappointed that no-one suspected the 'voices' to be anything more than role-play... took it easy. Guessed something was wrong with SPF, but off course knew he was not scum... and even if I am new to this, I know that if someone tried their best to be lynched then it have to be a reason behind it. It was to obvious, sorry.
Night 2:
Gave TB dose of double vote, as he so far had been mostly on the same wavelength as me, so thought it was the safest. Wanted to save role-block to night 3, as still was very unsure about roles and did not want to wast it.
Day 3:
Thank you Vitek for letting me go last, not sure what I would have done if there was no doctor in the game :)
The claims went more or less as hoped, there was a doctor I could lash on to (but I did not suspect it to be Vitek...). To bad that things happened as they did between JMich and Vitek, as I could not support him without making it clear what I was doing. I tried to cast a little doubt on things... but not very well, it seems.
Changed Nurse Ratched to Nurse Itsu. Nurse Ratched, I felt, was to obvious, while Itsu is more unknown, but would have been found by googeling. And it is a fictive nurse in an asylum, to keep with my cover, Itsu still was not much better than the rest in the film (remember the electroshock sequence), but she was more innocent in the picture, which is why I only linked the picture as explanation of name :)
Yes, I should have supported the vigilante kill on say 3, and not tried to make it for day 4. I would have role-blocked Krypsyn if we had, thereby casting doubt on him...
After JMich's unfortunate demise, the plan was to lie low and let CSPVG take the heat. If a new night had come the plan was to boost Vitek, and then kill him... this was to use the boost as evidence for my role as nurse, sadly the boost was wasted (the last drug was a debuff, it would have been obvious if a survivor got debuffed), and then claim doctor role. And take it from there.... to bad it did not happen.
Anyway, thanks a lot, I enjoyed myself.
Day 1:
I tried to role-play a paranoid schizophrenic, as I assumed that I at some point needed to explain why I was in an asylum. I found out from the mafia wiki that 'nurse' is generally seen as pro-town, so I knew I wanted to have that moniker. But I felt I needed to explain why a member of staff was an inmate.
I tried to see how the game works this day, and the fun part is that the post Ghost reacted to so much is not even me trying to be scummy, but how I would answer to a post like that in real life.... I learned that doing things like in real life was a mistake :)
Night 1:
I gave Flub the 1-shot vigilante, thinking that I needed to get that drug out of the way as soon as possible, when there was most number of players in the game. Things then should be chaotic and the chances one of us scum got hit was the least. I needed to get rid of it, as a drug had to be administered each night. If I did not choose one, one would be chosen on random, given to a random person. Flub was chosen as he was one of those who was outspoken, but not against any of us, therefore minimal chance of him hitting us.
Day 2:
Confusion... trying to draw attention away from ghost's accusation and building up the 'voices'. A little disappointed that no-one suspected the 'voices' to be anything more than role-play... took it easy. Guessed something was wrong with SPF, but off course knew he was not scum... and even if I am new to this, I know that if someone tried their best to be lynched then it have to be a reason behind it. It was to obvious, sorry.
Night 2:
Gave TB dose of double vote, as he so far had been mostly on the same wavelength as me, so thought it was the safest. Wanted to save role-block to night 3, as still was very unsure about roles and did not want to wast it.
Day 3:
Thank you Vitek for letting me go last, not sure what I would have done if there was no doctor in the game :)
The claims went more or less as hoped, there was a doctor I could lash on to (but I did not suspect it to be Vitek...). To bad that things happened as they did between JMich and Vitek, as I could not support him without making it clear what I was doing. I tried to cast a little doubt on things... but not very well, it seems.
Changed Nurse Ratched to Nurse Itsu. Nurse Ratched, I felt, was to obvious, while Itsu is more unknown, but would have been found by googeling. And it is a fictive nurse in an asylum, to keep with my cover, Itsu still was not much better than the rest in the film (remember the electroshock sequence), but she was more innocent in the picture, which is why I only linked the picture as explanation of name :)
Yes, I should have supported the vigilante kill on say 3, and not tried to make it for day 4. I would have role-blocked Krypsyn if we had, thereby casting doubt on him...
After JMich's unfortunate demise, the plan was to lie low and let CSPVG take the heat. If a new night had come the plan was to boost Vitek, and then kill him... this was to use the boost as evidence for my role as nurse, sadly the boost was wasted (the last drug was a debuff, it would have been obvious if a survivor got debuffed), and then claim doctor role. And take it from there.... to bad it did not happen.
Anyway, thanks a lot, I enjoyed myself.
Post edited October 08, 2013 by amok

Registered: Apr 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 08, 2013

At that point, it did seem like preferential treatment. I know it's not, and Zchinque was in a "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" position, but I would have preferred if the rules were the same for everyone.
...Mainly to see the response from TwilightBard. :P

Luteless Bard
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted October 08, 2013
LOL, Dude, I went to Z trying to figure out if Ensemble was a part of the game. This is a lesson to do more research about my damned role. Actually, I usually look it up, find out nothing really important, and then this time I didn't and got that. Would have freaked me the hell out.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 09, 2013

Additionally, Joe's and flubbucket's posts also looked like a double post to me, and if two people could affirm that they got reply notification from the same post (as in, 2 replies were made by them), that could have also been used as "evidence" of it being a double post instead of an edit.
As I said, I know that Zchinque was in a tight spot, and I don't envy him, but I would have personally gone for the Lawful Evil approach.
Anyway, the choice was made, the game is finished. And this discussion should probably be done over a beer ;)

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted October 10, 2013
Sorry for only checking in quite a bit after that fact.
Thank you for moderating an interesting and fun game, Zchinque.
I'd like to apologise to everyone for my numerous absences during the game. I know they didn't affect its flow too much, but I still feel bad about not participating as much as I should have.
Thank you for moderating an interesting and fun game, Zchinque.
I'd like to apologise to everyone for my numerous absences during the game. I know they didn't affect its flow too much, but I still feel bad about not participating as much as I should have.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 11, 2013
So again what was this thread and why didn't I ever get a link???
I've been crying for days now about this and it's starting to profoundly damage my chi or aura or psyche or something...
I've been crying for days now about this and it's starting to profoundly damage my chi or aura or psyche or something...

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 15, 2013
I was the only sane role!! Modkilled myself day 2! hooray for Joe
Being locked up with you guys... such a reaction could be expected from anybody.
I am too naïve...
Being locked up with you guys... such a reaction could be expected from anybody.
I am too naïve...