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As our catalogue gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of’s catalogue, we’re going to be offering a fantastic deal on a forgotten gem from our catalog on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.
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<span class="bold">For the next 24 hours, [url=]Guilty Gear X2 #Reload is just $2.39 on

Guilty Gear, a series of 2D-fighting games, is well known for it colorful high-res graphics, hard rock/heavy metal soundtrack, unique gameplay and insane combos. Guilty Gear X2 #Reload further balances the play and adds even more to the cast of characters unmatched by any other PC fighter you know. 20 combatants are all primed with an arsenal of insane jaw-dropping moves and combos. Nine (!) game modes include 1v1 (obviously), Training, Survival, Mission, and even a Story mode with an engaging storyline for a rocking single player experience.

If you’re into classic arcade fighting get Guilty Gear X2 #Reload now!.
If you’re into beautiful 2D sprite-based graphics grab Guilty Gear X2 #Reload 60% off.
If you’re into brutal duels with heavy-metal setting buy Guilty Gear X2 #Reload on for only $2.39!

This offer ends Thursday 2 Feb at 6:59 EST so do not wait.
:( already taken

Thanks ABH20! I wasn't sure whether I should buy this game or not but now I can try it :)

Just a suggestion: Next time try to put the code in an image or spread it out in your text

This place is notorious for bots that scan for these codes
Are there bewbs?

Err, wait. Is the game good? That's what I wanted to ask. Hehe...
Youre kidding..... i bought this game last night : /
Protoss: Are there bewbs?

Err, wait. Is the game good? That's what I wanted to ask. Hehe...
The game is good.
Didn't even know GOG had this.
Never played it before but got to be worth a shot for this price, if it's just a tenth as good as Street Fighter it will be worth it.
I don't normally like/buy fighting games, but it's hard to pass up the $5.99 games when they're 60% off.
Oh no.

I'm falling.

I would probably have jumped on this had I not already played out vanilla GGX2 and own #R and ^C+ on consoles.
I don't think it will be ever better price. It's worth it? Looks like a funny japanese MK type game, which I prefer. I don't have joypad or gamepad, can I manage play with keyboard? So far I maded, can handle DMC or LEGO titles.
I'm writing a list right now. I call it the "people not worth talking or listening to" list. Anyone who doesn't get this game has the less than prestigious honor of being on that list. >_>

For crying out loud, it's one of the best fighting games there is, which is especially notable in the fact that there are very few fighting games on PC, it's DRM-free, has great visuals, character design and variety, music, gameplay, and... well... the only real issue is the lack of online play, playing alone will get old quicker than some other games (but still a good amount of playtime for the price!), and you might want an arcade stick (they're easy enough to build) or a gamepad, but even if you adamantly hate fighting games, it might change your mind.

Besides all that, the soundtrack alone is worth $2.39. No, seriously, it is. I've bought several GOGs on sale, even with a backlog of games, with the soundtrack as a primary motivator. Even when I got around to playing a game and disliked it (which is fairly rare, I seem to have... varied... tastes), oftentimes it was justified by the soundtrack being more than worth what I paid for the whole thing. If you pass on this deal, I've gotta say I feel real sorry for ya.

This is the best gem promo all year. Given, there hasn't been a lot of gem promos this year, but that's not the point. If an amazing fighting game isn't worth $2.39, and an amazing soundtrack isn't worth $2.39, then, my friend, I think we have a problem. There's only one last thing I can think of that could convince such a soulless individual to have a change of heart.

That'd be Bridget. :3
OptimusHun: I don't think it will be ever better price. It's worth it? Looks like a funny japanese MK type game, which I prefer. I don't have joypad or gamepad, can I manage play with keyboard? So far I maded, can handle DMC or LEGO titles.
I'm playing on keyboard, actually franatical mashing of random keys got me trough most of one of the story modes :D
I got this also. Haven't tried if and how well it supports x-box windows version controller but I'm listening soundtrack. Pretty basic rock (well some good song just started) but I've heard worse so it was cheap and I'll have to spend those few euros before the porn sites takes them. Good thing my card will expire soon and I can be a bit wiser next time or not.
Live and learn nothing I'll say.
Wish these deals lasted longer. I would have got it if I'd known what was being released today. In the end, I didn't get today's release or Guilty Gears and GOG didn't get any of my money. Everybody lost.