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Hi folks. For some time i trying to build list of games on GOG which have known working linux ports in other distribution sources (since GOg not yet ready to catch up).
Result of my work is
Please not, i'm

Due the fact that i mostly dig info about indie games my list is seems to be incomplete. For example some other lists like and had (and still have) some games is missed. At least until i shamelessly steal that info (sorry, astropup).

Anyway, if you guys know i missed something - let me know. Please note, howbeit, that i'm not looking for games working under Wine, but ports working under linux naturally.
Thanks :)

P.S. Hope to delete that gogmix once GOG catch up.
Wow... And I tought I knew almost all of them. :) Well, I usually don't hang on Desura so I missed a few.

I think you don't have Neverwinter Nights 1 and Unreal Tournament 2004 on the list. From the fast look at the list.

I tried making a mix too, but it got cropped every time I tried to save. But your list is even better. :)
Good Work!
There are also the good old Loki and Hyperion Entertainment ports from 10+ years ago.
The same list but sorted for easier searching/editing:

I made 3 changes:
* Removed a note on sound problems with Ittle Dew. I think the game requires exclusivity for sound playing. It does go silent when you have music playing in the background, but it works when it is the only audio playing app.
* System Shock 2 - Not a mistake. Announced some time ago. Available on Steam too. Source based game.
* Don't Starve DLC - Linux icon on both Steam and Humble Store

Other notes:
* Are you sure about The Book of the Unwritten Tales? I started playing and for now it seems to work ok.
* HOMM3 - I don't know about Loki port, but there is a 3rd party engine reimplementation. Also for some other games on GOG.

Btw, don't expect all of them to be on GOG. We don't know what GOG team plans and how much of support would they be able to offer.

I think this is more of a wishlist. But it's nice to have it to compare (and hope). :)
Post edited June 15, 2014 by astropup
Btw, those are not on the list:

* 7th Guest (Steam)
* Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (Steam)
* Duke Nukem 3D Gold (Steam)
* Ethan: Meteor Hunter (according to this coming soon:
* Jagged Alliance 1 (Steam)
* Kentucky Route Zero (Steam)
* Monague's Mount (Steam)
* Papers Please (Steam)
* Penumbra (Steam)

Games with a 3rd party engine reimplemenation (various quality/playability) :
* Alone in the Dark (free in the dark - playable: ?)
* Arx Fatalis (Ars Libertatis)
* Baldur's Gate (GemRB)
* Baldur's Gate 2 (GemRB)
* Batrayal at Krondor (xBaK - playable: ?)
* Blake Stone: Planet Strike (bstone - based on the official source code)
* Blood (XL Engine, Transfusion, BloodCM)
* Caesar 3 (Caesaria, playable: ?)
* Cannon Fodder (?)
* Carmageddon (?)
* Descent + Descent2 (DXX-Rebirth, D2X-XL)
* Freespace 2 (Freespace 2 SCP, Ryan Gordon's port)
* HOMM2 (fheroes2)
* HOMM3 (vcmi)
* Icewind Dale (GemRB)
* Icewind Dale 2 (GemRB)
* Jagged Alliance 2 (JA2-Stracciatela)
* Little Big Adventure (twin-e)

Older ports known to exist:
* Neverwinter Nights 1 (the official client)

All DosBox based games are playable too.
Scummvm based too (Beneath a Steel Sky, Fliht of the Amazon Queen, etc).

Some developpers state Linux version as a goal in the future
* Evoland (info on Steam forum)
* Gomo (info on the official site)

I accidentally left out from the pastebin entry:
* Leisure Suite Larry: Reloaded
* Octodad: deadliest catch

Ok, I'm not done yet, but GOG is currently sluggish. So I'll continue later (the lists are complete up to the letter "p". :)
astropup: The same list but sorted for easier searching/editing:

I made 3 changes:
* Removed a note on sound problems with Ittle Dew. I think the game requires exclusivity for sound playing. It does go silent when you have music playing in the background, but it works when it is the only audio playing app.
* System Shock 2 - Not a mistake. Announced some time ago. Available on Steam too. Source based game.
* Don't Starve DLC - Linux icon on both Steam and Humble Store

Other notes:
* Are you sure about The Book of the Unwritten Tales? I started playing and for now it seems to work ok.
* HOMM3 - I don't know about Loki port, but there is a 3rd party engine reimplementation. Also for some other games on GOG.

Btw, don't expect all of them to be on GOG. We don't know what GOG team plans and how much of support would they be able to offer.

I think this is more of a wishlist. But it's nice to have it to compare (and hope). :)
I got a lot errors in dmesg about pulseaudio with running Ittle dew. I not sure but looks like a bug. Still, since i have to run 32bit build in 64bit system i cannot complain much.

The Book of the Unwritten Tales is, unfortunately, one of these "lets embed game in bunch of wrappers" type of porting. I seen a lot of complains about bugs on Steam.
Redfern: Due the fact that i mostly dig info about indie games my list is seems to be incomplete. For example some other lists like and had (and still have) some games is missed. At least until i shamelessly steal that info (sorry, astropup).
Wow, I didn't see this. I just scanned through the text thinking you mentioned someone else (lol). I even tought those (lists) weren't saved. :)

I don't mind at all. It's more important that we can make an approximate list of supported games for our reference.

Anyway, I promissed to finish the lists:

Games missing from your list

* Realms of Arkania 1,2,3 (Steam)
* Superfrog (Steam, but not the original, but a "HD Remake". GOG version uses
Dosbox, so that will work on Linux too)
* VVVVVV (Steam)
* Wasteland (Steam)

3rd party engine reimplementations (YMMV)

* 7th Guest (ScummVM)
* Beneath a Steel Sky (ScummVM)
* Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold (ECWolf)
* Broken Sword 1 original game (ScummVM)
* Broken Sword 2 original game (ScummVM)
* Blackwell Bundle (AGS)
* Flight of the Amazon Queen (ScummVM)
* Gemini Rue (AGS)
* Gobliiins pack - 1,2,3 (ScummVM)
* I Have No Mouth And I must Screem (ScummVM, also sold as native binaries)
* Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime, The
* King's Quest 1-3 (ScummVM, AGS)
* King's Quest 4-6 (ScummVM)
* Lands of Lore (ScummVM)
* Legend of Kyrandia Book 1 (ScummVM)
* Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 (ScummVM)
* Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 (ScummVM)
* Leisure Suit Larry (ScummVM)
* Lure of The Temptress (ScummVM)
* Manhole, The (ScummVM)
* Planescape: Torment (GemRB)
* Police Quest 1,2,3 (ScummVM)
* Primordia (AGS)
* Quest For Glory 1-3 (ScummVM)
* Return to Zork (ScummVM)
* Rise of The Triad: Dark War (Ryan Gordon's ROTT port)
* Settlers II (Widelands)
* Seven Kingdoms - Ancient Adversaries (7kaa)
* Shivah, The (AGS)
* Simon the Sorcerer (ScummVM)
* Simon the Srocerer II (ScummVM)
* Space Quest 1-3 (ScummVM)
* Space Quest 4-6 (ScummVM)
* System Shock 2 (OpenDarkEngine)
* Teen Agent (ScummVM)
* Theme Hospital (Corsix-TH)
* Thief: Dark Project (OpenDarkEngine)
* Thief 2: The Metal Age (OpenDarkEngine)
* Tomb Rider 1-6 (OpenTomb, Open Raider)
* Total Annihilation (Spring)
* Ultima III (u3project)
* Ultima IV (xu4)
* Ultima VI (Nuvie)
* Ultima VII (Exult)
* Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams (nuvie)
* Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire (nuvie)
* Zork: Grand Inquisitor (zengine)
* Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Land (zengine)

More info:

Feel free to use or test this info. Corrections are welcome. :)
Redfern seems to abandoned ship. :)

Well, too early. Because we're getting Torchlight natively on Linux soon!

Btw, my GOG mix still exists, but it's not complete: Games that have a Linux port, not (yet?) on GOG.
Post edited July 16, 2014 by astropup