Weclock: a LOT of people are outraged. Steam knew about the issues and they aren't issuing refunds.
And Valve will stick to that approach of not caring until the unlikely event that someone finally arranges a class action lawsuit to put them in place.
To add to Arkose's list:
Valve ignored game breaking problems with Jagged Alliance 2 (and Unfinished Business) for over 12 months. They even started ignoring any tickets submitted on the issues.
They have proven completely inept at deploying patches (sent to them by developers) for Two Worlds, Jagged Alliance 2, Sacred 2 (on pretty much every occasion a patch has been issued), and a few other games.
They still sell Drug Wars (aka Merchant of Brooklyn) knowing full well that the game cannot be played, for one thing the UI has remained broken (doesn't even display on screen anymore) now since the last update to the game in June.
The list goes on and on.