ah, sorry. to clarify what I meant was general kinda is already "off topic" so why separate general(aka everything else) from off topic(aka everything else) general is "whatever doesn't have its own box" every game gog has is given its own section and some of the less popular ones already have weeks between visits. general is "off topic" already i thought?
and I only dislike them when they over sort.
(Not all forums with sub sections do that. only some but when it happens it gets like:
strategy is split off into its own section, giveaway is split away from off topic, or suggestions if filed away somewhere else in addition to bugs having its own place and nobody visits either one unless they have a problem, theres a separate area called "help" for noobs asking the community questions that aren't about bugs and so don't need a mod(and of course the only ones who ever go there are the noobs so nobody to answer them), politics is oddly singled out and given its own section instead of being part of off topic, roleplay is given its own area so they don't need to use "ic" and "ooc" tags because apparently people were getting confused, computer specs gets popular and fissions off from offtopic, "our other games" was split off from off topic and then later on further divided for each of them, "outside games" was split off from off topic(which is alternately named general since usually they are the same thing but sometimes when it gets really bad they have both without any indication of what general is supposed to be) leaving off topic section nearly abandoned and apparently reserved only for the post count padding forum games like "3 word story"), strategy is split into build and gear sections, a place for trades a place for friend requests a place for clans which is oddly separate from discussion of clan fights which has its own page....everybody just ends up using whatever feed of "latest posts" is available anyway and the sorting ends up hiding things more than helping find them. also then mods spend all of their time anally moving people around to their proper boxes and it just seems pointless. if you separate things too much alot of the sections can become some stagnant backwater where threads go to die.
and inevitably any section titled "gifts" gets clogged with beggars each making their own thread and so anybody with something to give just posts in general and dares the mods to move it ect. and thats assuming you can make everybody follow the rules and not just all hang out in general anyway. (although usually most of that only happens on a new forum where the owner was playing around with the setup too long and also overestimated traffic. after a bit they usually realize and start merging things back together so you have fewer sections. bugs suggestions and help all become help, clans get combines with clan fights, all offtopics (except "add me" which is legitimately annoying/spammy)get merged again ect) and it started with one or 2 reasonable seeming suggestions about dividing that get out of hand.
(this of course is only the most apocalyptic view where everything goes wrong/overboard lol(and yes this is a specific form I was thinking of
, and completely different from gog anyway so alot/most of those sections don't apply)))