MorphysLaw: Hmmm, read over the "no bundle gifts" clause earlier. Drat. The only GOG games I've given away were given to another GOG member, but not in a forum giveaway, so I guess I'm out then.
It doesn't have to have been a giveaway, you can just link me to the forum post where you gifted the game and it'll be fine ( I just need to be able to check it somehow, that's all).
To everyone: my apologizes for the confusion, I intended for the rules to be straight forward, but it seems I failed at it unfortunately. Will try to clear it up one more time:
To be eligible to enter you need to have gifted a GOGkey on this forum that was neither a freebie ( e.g.: Torchlight, BrokenSword1,etc.) nor a key that was aquired through some other sites bundle ( e.g.: Journey to the Center of the Earth from the Groupees Bundle, etc.). GOGkeys that you regifted with the original gifters approval will also make you eligible to enter. All gifts have to have been made before the start of this giveaway. If you fit these criteria but don't want to enter for yourself you can enter for another person that already has a valid entry and support them. Eligibility must be proven by providing a link to the relevant post ( can be a giveaway or can be a single gift), so that I can check this.
I know that these rules exclude some, but all rules have been made to either traget a specific group of gifters or to keep me from spending hours once I go through the entries. My apologizes to those that are excluded because of this! I'm sure there will be other giveaways before long ;)