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high rated
Are you feeling lucky?
Have you played DotA?
Are you a boy or a girl?
Are you able to withstand mocking, flaming, n00bing and other very disturbing things?
Do you have a Steam Account?
Are you a brony?

If you answered "Yes!" for at least one question, you can go for the bonus round:

Do you want your own Dota 2 beta invite?

If you do, then you have to leave a post in this topic, about the following subject: "Where will I be in 12345 years in the Universe?", written in sanskrit.

Or just write "Yes, I'm in!".

At tomorrow 8:00 PM, GMT +2, I will choose one Guy (or Girl, of course) who will get his (or her, of course) beta invite. Isn't it great?

Good luck, have fun, may the best win!
Sanskrit, you say? Easy.

रसाहवा वाहसार-

(I won't pretend I know Sanskrit, but this thing [url=Śiśupāla-vadha#Linguistic_ingenuity]is seriously mind-boggling[/url].)

I have a very strong suspicion DOTA2 will not be a game for me, but I'd like to try.
Post edited May 23, 2012 by bazilisek
Bugger, I failed the bonus round because my PC can't handle DOTA 2.

Thanks anyway though, repped for the generous gesture.
I'm feeling as lucky as I usually do.
I've played more DotA (well, mobas really) than I probably should.
I am male.
Oh, I was born to be annoyed by people.
I have a Steam account.
I like MLP:FIM, and have liked ponies and unicorns since before it was cool™.
I want a DotA 2 invite, but not my own.

I already have DotA 2. Been looking for an invite for my friend so we can play together.

I have no idea where I will be in 12345 years in the Universe. Unless something unprecedented happens, I expect my role at that point in time will be remarkably unremarkable. Unfortunately, I don't know Sanskrit, so I'll just settle with "Yes, I'm in!"
Yes, I'm in!
Yes, i'm in!
Yes,I'm in. :)
I'm a boy or a girl, so...

Yes, I'm in!
What about genderqueers? =P

Yes, I'm in!
Yes, I'm in!
Yes I'm in!
Good luck folks .

* i'm not participating *
Yes, I'm in.
Yes, I'm in!
Yes, I'm in!