Posted January 09, 2012
I "design" games all the time. ie, I am constantly losing post-its with ideas and concepts hastily scribbled onto them. :)
As for continuations, reboots, remakes etc. More "Raw Danger / Disaster Report" games. I was heartbroken when the third game was never translated and then the fourth game was cancelled so close to being finished. "I am Alive" looks like its the only other thing that will come close to the fantastic "trash" that series managed to deliver. True examples of the end product being so, so much more than just the sum of its parts.
More games following Deadly Premonition. Pretty much same as above. For what was pretty much a broken and terrible game, it was completely brilliant, and I need to see what is next for not just the protagonist, but more of everything about that whole universe. Then again I was a massive Twin Peaks fan as a kid so no surprise there.
Remake of Wizball. This time in actual 3D. While the game itself could easily be left as a "flat" sidescroller, I see no real reason why it could not be also in a ture 3D world either. It is simple enough to easily work either way. Leave the gameplay mostly untouched. Just a straight up 3D arcade action style game about a wizard and his cat flying around in balls shooting aliens to recover the colour they have stolen from the world. I can even see the little wizard and the cat in their little "ships". Think Myth Makers Ords of Doom and you pretty much can see how the stylistic design could so easily work. Best part is it could be done so easily! I honestly think a small team could easily pull this off and then release it via here on GoG, or even turn up in one of the charity bundles. Because the game does not have to be epic to be awesome.
Along the same lines, only tweaked a bit to more match todays more advanced gaming style, I'd love to see a new Gain Ground game. What with GLaDOS pretty much the greatest character ever it is now the perfect time to capitalise on the Rogue AI taking over the facility. Gain Ground would work perfectly today. Everyone would love it. Best part is just like Wizball this would not need to be an Epic AAA release. The game is so strong that even a small team of indie dudes could easily slap a tight and completely addictive remake of this one together.
As for continuations, reboots, remakes etc. More "Raw Danger / Disaster Report" games. I was heartbroken when the third game was never translated and then the fourth game was cancelled so close to being finished. "I am Alive" looks like its the only other thing that will come close to the fantastic "trash" that series managed to deliver. True examples of the end product being so, so much more than just the sum of its parts.
More games following Deadly Premonition. Pretty much same as above. For what was pretty much a broken and terrible game, it was completely brilliant, and I need to see what is next for not just the protagonist, but more of everything about that whole universe. Then again I was a massive Twin Peaks fan as a kid so no surprise there.
Remake of Wizball. This time in actual 3D. While the game itself could easily be left as a "flat" sidescroller, I see no real reason why it could not be also in a ture 3D world either. It is simple enough to easily work either way. Leave the gameplay mostly untouched. Just a straight up 3D arcade action style game about a wizard and his cat flying around in balls shooting aliens to recover the colour they have stolen from the world. I can even see the little wizard and the cat in their little "ships". Think Myth Makers Ords of Doom and you pretty much can see how the stylistic design could so easily work. Best part is it could be done so easily! I honestly think a small team could easily pull this off and then release it via here on GoG, or even turn up in one of the charity bundles. Because the game does not have to be epic to be awesome.
Along the same lines, only tweaked a bit to more match todays more advanced gaming style, I'd love to see a new Gain Ground game. What with GLaDOS pretty much the greatest character ever it is now the perfect time to capitalise on the Rogue AI taking over the facility. Gain Ground would work perfectly today. Everyone would love it. Best part is just like Wizball this would not need to be an Epic AAA release. The game is so strong that even a small team of indie dudes could easily slap a tight and completely addictive remake of this one together.