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I never even thought of a bloodless run of Deus Ex 2, since that game is sooooo action-focused.
I'm pretty sure you can beat Morrowind only fighting Dagoth Ur, who is a God... does that count? ;)
Aliasalpha: Mirrors Edge is a definite no killer game, there's an achievement for it in the 360 version. There IS one certain death at the end but thats out of the players control so they could at least claim diminished responsibility

I only played the PC version, but I am pretty sure the Mirror's Edge achievement is for never using a gun the whole game, not actually not killing anyone. You can still kick people off buildings and such, in other words, and the game sets this up a few times.
Also, the death at the end you allude to is only sort of out of player control... you tell Faith to jump and such, and then she does the deed.
Post edited July 28, 2009 by StingingVelvet
Orvidos: There's actually a Mirror's Edge achievement for not killing anyone the entire game. Friend has done it on Hard. I can't even imagine such a thing.

I thought it was just a no guns achievement?
I played it through a few chapters on hard with no guns..wasn't terrible or anything for me, but maybe I am quite good. :)
ZamFear: It's been a while, but can't you just hit the guy in the missile silo with a tranquilizer dart?
In Invisible War, nobody has to die if you choose the ApostleCorp ending. Opposing factions may fight amongst themselves, but that's hardly your fault.
Arkose: No, I was referring to a person you face while visiting the UNATCO HQ for the very last time. That person must to die to proceed, and while earlier opportunities to kill this person are optional this last one is not. While it is technically possible to get around this kill by exploiting AI behaviour the game still considers this person to be dead.
It's interesting that there is a bloodless way to finish the Invisible War endgame. I only bothered doing the "true" ending within the game and then watched the videos for the others.

what will happen if you just zapp him?
Aliasalpha: Mirrors Edge is a definite no killer game, there's an achievement for it in the 360 version. There IS one certain death at the end but thats out of the players control so they could at least claim diminished responsibility
StingingVelvet: I only played the PC version, but I am pretty sure the Mirror's Edge achievement is for never using a gun the whole game, not actually not killing anyone. You can still kick people off buildings and such, in other words, and the game sets this up a few times.
Also, the death at the end you allude to is only sort of out of player control... you tell Faith to jump and such, and then she does the deed.

Ooh yes I'd forgotten those times you can kick people off buildings BUT if you're anal enough to try for 100% survivors, you could manouvre around and kick them so they don't fall off. It kills your momentum but should be possible.
The last jump of the game isn't a violent act (though it leads to one in the cutscene) and it is essential to completing the game so I don't think that can be counted as an active kill. If that was all that was needed to qualify, you'd be responsible for every death in every cutscene of every game you've playbed because you chose to play the game.
StingingVelvet: I'm pretty sure you can beat Morrowind only fighting Dagoth Ur, who is a God... does that count? ;)

You technically never engage him directly, only the source if his power.
Arkose: No, I was referring to a person you face while visiting the UNATCO HQ for the very last time. That person must to die to proceed, and while earlier opportunities to kill this person are optional this last one is not. While it is technically possible to get around this kill by exploiting AI behaviour the game still considers this person to be dead.

Oh, THAT person. Like I said it's been a while. Interesting that their death is a plot point, when all the other "bosses" are optional.
Edit: Come to think of it, there are other characters who are treated as dead, even if they're only unconscious. The Rentons come to mind (which makes the "what a shame" conversation even more hilarious) and there may be others (Maggie Chow?).
lukaszthegreat: what will happen if you just zapp him?

Nothing. That character is immune to non-lethal weapons.
Post edited July 28, 2009 by ZamFear
Another thing that came into my mind. Black and White 2! You can go peaceful way there I guess... I havent played it much, but im sure it was doable to finish many missions without any kills.
Orvidos: There's actually a Mirror's Edge achievement for not killing anyone the entire game. Friend has done it on Hard. I can't even imagine such a thing.
chautemoc: I thought it was just a no guns achievement?
I played it through a few chapters on hard with no guns..wasn't terrible or anything for me, but maybe I am quite good. :)

So it is! Thanks for the refresher. He kept talking about not killing people for an entire day (was on Skype as he did this) and then once mentioned not using a gun, which threw me off.
Avoiding any obvious genres:
Deus Ex Invisible War
Penumbra Requiem (Black Plague would count too, but you're tricked into killing someone)
Morrowind (using the quick completion guide)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Any FPS with a multiplayer mode such as CTF, node capture and the like. Although that would be difficult.
Does The World Ends with You count? No one is ever killed, because everyone is already dead. The only things that the heroes actually destroy are Noise monsters, who are "erased" temporarily.
None of the Ace Attorney (Phoenix Wright games) series involve you killing anyone... In fact, I don't think that the game's setting even features capital punishment for murderers.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 doesn't require any killing, even if it's implied by the opening cutscene.
Hmmm... All nintendo DS games...
[url=][/url] has tons of non-violent games, pretty much largest I've seen.
WBGhiro: I think you could finish Postal 2 without killing anyone.
Yes, I concur.