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Pain killler's Orphan House 0_0
The Ocean... somethingHotel in Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines, is the most overrated scene in a game ever. It wasn't even remotely scary at all as far as I see it.
There are only two games I've played that comes close to scary, and that is System Shock 2 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with the Oblivion Lost mod.
Clive Barker's Undying is amazingly good.
Emualynk: One game that really scared me thought was Fahreinheit (Indigo Prophecy).
I remember the moment when you had to go to the archive room with the policewoman character who is claustrophobic.
Even thought I am not claustrophobic I remember being scared when I missed the combination and got her scared.

Yeah that was a good part of the game, I am claustrophobic so it probably worked better on me than on others. Also right near the start when lucas goes home & has the sink cupboard with the mirror open then closes it to see the dead guy's face was good. Saw it coming a mile off given how the camera was placed but it still sort of made me jump
Condemned Criminal Origins creeps me out a fair bit. The only problem with it is that I find the darkness annoying rather than creepy so I'm not really likely to play it much more which is a pity since it seems like a fairly good (though flawed) game
I thought the ocean view hotel in bloodlines was good, not scary really but had a really good atmosphere coupled with a few 'makes me jump' moments. The Tzmisce snuff film house was pretty nasty too for much the same reason
Post edited January 20, 2009 by Aliasalpha
Fear had some pretty intense moments, as had Alien vs. Predator, the last Shocker was Dead Space, it had some gutwrenching moments
I suppose Mirrors Edge had some pretty scary moments, mostly when faith jumped towards a wall and the stupid cow wouldn't grab the ledge and you realised that you're going to have to do that whole bloody section again!
Space Hulk. Those horrible, horrible genestealers. I freaked out every time they came for me.
Undying was a horrorfest all the way, System Shock 1&2 freaked me out, and FEAR caused me to jump. When I played Undying, I had to stop and change my pants!
Not a game per se, but the Max Payne Dream Sequence, the trail of blood, the screaming of his dead child in the background...."shudder"
I nearly jumped out of my seat when I first played Theif: The Dark Prject...
*Spoiler Alert*
...and the dudes I thought were dead got up and started attacking me. I really wasn't expecting it and I was all caught up on the stealth thing--it took me completely by surprise and scared the bejeebees out of me.
Second place goes to Prisoner of Ice..a true creepy classic.
Resident Evil.
You know what I'm talkin' about.
Epic thread resurrection!
katakis: Shivers. Especially the very first encounter was... Wow. And the animation when you went between shelves in projector room...
Love this game too. The atmosphere, the music, the puzzles, the music...

finally somebody mentions shivers. I loved that game. I still can't run through the "man's inhumanity to man" exhibition without rushing. The atmosphere in that game is as good as it gets really. When will the shivers game come onto gog btw...
Anyone played Nosferatu?
It was highly underrated but a great game IMO.
The first time playing that game will scare the crap out of you.
I never play horror games. I tried Dead Space a while back and only got about half an hour in, so I guess it's not really my genre. :P
I recall Metroid Prime (and the first sequel) having some really tense moments, though. The infiltration of the Space Pirate base in the ice zone (Pandora Drifts?) is probably my favourite part of the game.
Project Zero (Fatal Frame)
The only game that has ever genuinely scared me, and I love it for it.