3 incidents come to my mind immediately:
1) My cousin and I were playing Morrowind: Game of the Year edition, and this was about two years ago, just one or two days after we just bought the game. It was about 10pm at night, both in the game and real-life, and I'm watching her play. She makes her character rest. Suddenly, she's awakened, and there's one of the Dark Brotherhood attacking her. Obviously, she freaks (her character's like half an hour old and has poor armor). Later, in her journal after she runs away, it told her that she was "targeted for assassination". As a bystander, I was howling with laughter, but that was pretty creepy.
2) For some odd and stupid reason (also accompanied by a long story), I decided to read the FAQ for the original Clock Tower game for SNES one day. (Or was it NES? I'm pretty sure it was SNES) You're basically a young girl trying to escape from a psycho scissor-wielding killer in a [literally] gothic mansion near a clock tower. I kept reading, because even though I was freaked out, somehow I wanted to know about the endings. In every ending, at least one protagonist died, and it was just...wow. Would make a great horror movie. I would never go see it, though.
3) When I tried the Half-Life demo and I got to Ravenholm. I played for about ten minutes and uninstalled the rest of the demo. I know, it wasn't even the real game.
So there are my chicken stories. Ironically enough, none of them involve me actually playing real horror games.