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DeadlySkye: The very first game that made me scream so loud that my mom thought I was dying: Clock tower for PS1. That's where my love for scary games came into play. It made me yell a lot!
I thought I was the only person who every played that game! It really was great; pity the sequels were so bad.
Left 4 Dead 2: Cold Stream

Insaaane. My brother went down, then the 2 AI bots went down and I was all alone. All I could do was run until a smoker snagged me and stopped me cold. Damn fun level, major stressful.


When you first enter the shaft and climb up the ladder and Alma is RIGHT there.

Cold Fear

You investigate the cabin in the beginning of the game and turn around and agggh, evil entity. A moment of panic before you make your move.

Alien vs Predator Gold:

I can't stop, gotta keep moving, "blip blip" oh god...

Walking Dead Episode 1: Brand New Day

Lee: "Smart girl."
Clementine: "I can see you, can you see meeee!"
(QTE turns you around and the babysitter is in your face. Wait whaat? Q?? E?? Uh, *munch* 'You're Dead"

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky

What a nice looking radioactive forest, I think I'll rest here for the da,..aaaagh invisible mutant freaks everywhere! Run, just keep running. That was close, oh look at that cute....mutant dog!! Run run, oh no it's turning into night. And they mostly come out at night...oh man I'm so low on ammo, I gotta hide somewhere.
Post edited August 29, 2012 by u2jedi
Marsport on the spectrum scared the crap out of me when i saw the 1st alien in it.
Sorry, sneezed and accidentally bumped this thread.
Games that scared me? Life, many times.
First game that really scared me was Project Firestart on the Commodore 64 it was basically Aliens the video game but was actually good unlike Aliens the video game for most platforms.

Another was the original Alone in the Dark, another was Silent Hill 2 that game really messed with you
Penumbra was pretty freaky as well.
Believe it or not, Kyrandia. You could die in that game (not your classic Lucas Arts adventure) and the main antagonist just scared the hell outta me! Oh childhood memories! :D
Post edited February 04, 2013 by cosminm
Dischord: Games that scared me? Life, many times.
Ah, the game of life. It can be a perilous one at times.
the_bard: Ah, the game of life. It can be a perilous one at times.
Yes, and often I end up knowing less after the experiences, than I thought I knew before.

Haven't see you for awhile, hope all has been good since the raccoon shingle fetish insurrection here :-)
the_bard: Ah, the game of life. It can be a perilous one at times.
Dischord: Yes, and often I end up knowing less after the experiences, than I thought I knew before.

Haven't see you for awhile, hope all has been good since the raccoon shingle fetish insurrection here :-)
LOL I just got sprayed by a skunk. Hahahaha...

Well, according to my roommate anyway. I can't smell anything. -___-

How did that turn out anyways. Did you ever get the little fucker to stop?

Hope all has been well with you as well.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by the_bard
the_bard: LOL I just got sprayed by a skunk. Hahahaha...

Well, according to my roommate anyway. I can't smell anything. -___-

How did that turn out anyways. Did you ever get the little fucker to stop?

Hope all has been well with you as well.
It stopped, but I can't really know what caused it.

I cut branches off of the tree that overhung the house, laced rags with ammonia and laced along the gutter line, and the raccoon stopped coming around.

Skunks are funny, but a bitch when they let you have it. I looked underneath an abandoned homestead in Montana one time, after I saw an animal dart underneath. Skunk, and it got me good; my eyes burned for hours. Payoff to a nibshit I guess :-)

Will be glad to talk via PM if you want, so as not to hijack thread. Nice 2 c u though.
the_bard: LOL I just got sprayed by a skunk. Hahahaha...

Well, according to my roommate anyway. I can't smell anything. -___-

How did that turn out anyways. Did you ever get the little fucker to stop?

Hope all has been well with you as well.
Dischord: It stopped, but I can't really know what caused it.

I cut branches off of the tree that overhung the house, laced rags with ammonia and laced along the gutter line, and the raccoon stopped coming around.

Skunks are funny, but a bitch when they let you have it. I looked underneath an abandoned homestead in Montana one time, after I saw an animal dart underneath. Skunk, and it got me good; my eyes burned for hours. Payoff to a nibshit I guess :-)

Will be glad to talk via PM if you want, so as not to hijack thread. Nice 2 c u though.
Hey PM anytime. I might not get back as promptly as I used to, but I'm still around. Obligations and such, you know.

Good to hear about the coon problem being stopped. I'm about to shell out some dough over another rodent issue. Rats got into my Jeep and chewed through the ignition harness. Persistent little bastards.

If you think about it. One good jolt to polite society and the least of our worries would be zombies. Wildlife would take over.
the_bard: Hey PM anytime. I might not get back as promptly as I used to, but I'm still around. Obligations and such, you know.

Good to hear about the coon problem being stopped. I'm about to shell out some dough over another rodent issue. Rats got into my Jeep and chewed through the ignition harness. Persistent little bastards.

If you think about it. One good jolt to polite society and the least of our worries would be zombies. Wildlife would take over.
Understand, and try rewiring with stainless steel braid around exposed wires. It works, and my apologies to the thread for personal stuff within it.
For me in Half-Life the areas with the Ichthyosaur were scary to me until I found out I could bash their brains in with the crowbar and they couldn't do anything about it. I also generally don't like water areas in games.
Not the whole game, but the chainsaw guys in RE4 early in the game scared me shitless. Specially when they attacked on group and couldn't see them until it was too late. But later on the game, with better weapons had no problem.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by mario.arreola