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Fever_Discordia: ...
I'm playing with BGT... kinda the same deal. It does help to jack the pathfinding checks, but there are certain issues inherent with the engine. I've learned to live with it, and it's not nearly as frustrating as when I played BG1 when it first came out. But there are moments...

bevinator: ...
Yeah that nudging thing is immensely helpful. The Firewine ruins, Nashkel mines, and the sewers under Baldur's Gate are three places where the characters do some wacky shit. Like haul ass all the way around the map to get in front of the toon in front of them. It's soo irritating... but again, rare.

The Veni, Vidi, Vici part! Sooooo much rage!

(but I loved it!)
Aningan: Games with checkpoint save right before an unskipable cinematic. And after the cinematic you die obviously and have to replay it again... by the 2nd or 3rd death I'm in full rage mode already.
Yes! That also makes me rage, especially if some QT sequence follows or it's an action game (as I rarely die in RPGs). Though it usually depends on what kind of a game it is, I don't get angry that often. Last time I got annoyed was when playing Another World and maybe Kingdom Hearts in the last level? Oh yeah, it was the boss fight near the end of the game, having to see the cutscene over and over again.
Err... RAGE, because of its texture problem.
I once played Doom 2. I played it till the last level, but even with cheats I can't finish the level, it seems impossible for me in those days. Until now haven't finished that last level. This is the first game that teach me that I should not play for more than two hours, it gives me terrible headache and makes me vomit.
Fever_Discordia: ...
wizall: I'm playing with BGT... kinda the same deal. It does help to jack the pathfinding checks, but there are certain issues inherent with the engine. I've learned to live with it, and it's not nearly as frustrating as when I played BG1 when it first came out. But there are moments...

bevinator: ...
wizall: Yeah that nudging thing is immensely helpful. The Firewine ruins, Nashkel mines, and the sewers under Baldur's Gate are three places where the characters do some wacky shit. Like haul ass all the way around the map to get in front of the toon in front of them. It's soo irritating... but again, rare.
I'm playing C&C Red Alert at the moment and the pathfinding in that can be quite annoying too
"No - please, just because there's a bit of an allied units bottleneck that way, don't route yourself through the middle of the enemy base! No, no, not that way either, that's a dead end! What ARE you doing???!!?"
Andremop: VVVVVV

The Veni, Vidi, Vici part! Sooooo much rage!

(but I loved it!)
Same here. I remember I ragequited (sic) the game when I touched the last spike while descending, but thenext day I managed it with one try. :-P
i never really rage but i do get frustrated when games are unfair or's just bad design and a waste of my time.

Rage: just bought it and damn those textures are bad...i mean the textures on cans and stuff look like ps1 graphics and i am NOT exagerating. Even after some fixes it's still a pixelated mess. (some textures do look decent though). Since i thought this game would have amazing graphics: rage makes me rage a bit. I do not play games for graphics but when they talk about them like its something i haven't seen then i want some better textures....
starcraft II when your ally goes mass carrier push 45 minutes (game ends after 6 minutes)