Sabin_Stargem: First order of business would be to get her a proper gamepad - playing platformers is a pain on a keyboard, doubly so on a laptop I would expect. The Xbox360 is the standard pad right now, so look for that kind.
That's true for new (indie) platformers maybe, but from my experience many of the classic GOG platformers you listed are a bit challenging to get to work nicely on gamepads, especially newer XInput (XBox360) gamepads.
At least you need to reconfigure all the controls from the scratch for most of them (because _if_ they have PC gamepad support, they are expecting you to have a DirectInput gamepad where the button layout is a bit different etc.). And it might be D-Pad, which would be natural for most of older platformers, doesn't work either by default.
The Abe's Odyssey/Exoddus are specifically problematic. Unlike the Playstation version, the PC versions were clearly optimized for keyboard, e.g. putting all the different communications on separate function keys etc. I recall PC gamepads simply don't have enough buttons to include them all, especially newer XInput gamepad (because from classic game point of view, they lack two extra shoulder buttons that DirectInput gamepads have, as they see the trigger buttons only as an analog axis, not as two buttons).
But for newer platformers like e.g. Trine and Giana Sisters, Xbox360 gamepad should work great out of the box IIRC.