RPGs Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stones (
Pirates of the Sword Coast (NWN Premium Module)
Gladiatrix (NWN module, free)
The Snow Woman's Daughters (Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures design, free)
Grouchy Old Man (Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures design, free)
Helmetlands: Cold Trail (Dungeon Craft module, free)
Adventure Games Gemini Rue
Blackwell Convergence
Blackwell Deception
Puzzle Bots
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass
To the Moon
Jolly Rover
Puzzle Agent 2
Hector, Badge of Carnage
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Ep. 1: Homestar Ruiner
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Ep. 2: Strong Badia The Free
The Dream Machine Episode 1
Snakes of Avalon (free)
Patchwork (AGS Summerbatch)
50% of the AGS Bake Sale
(namely: Ben Chandler P.I., The Rail, Fragment, Falling Skyward, Entrapment, Abner the Amazing, Escape the Barn)
Platformer, Puzzle, Casual, Shooter Iji (free)
Plants Vs. Zombies
The Tiny Bang Story
Laser Cat
DLC Quest
They Need to Be Fed (free)
Warp (free)
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Chapter 1
Played through but didn't quite finish yet: Aquaria, Escape Goat, Soulcaster, Super Crossfire