dirtyharry50: For 2011 thanks to playing EverQuest II and World of Warcraft for more hours than I want to admit to, this is the short list:
Half-Life: Source
Call of Duty (the first one)
Baldur's Gate (only took me a decade of on and off play!)
Someone fill me in please? In the coming year on the new list I just made a first post to I just added the game I am currently playing as a placeholder (Ultima 1). Then it dawned on me that maybe people update with a new post of stuff played for the year each time they complete a new one versus editing a single post that is from the start of the year and which probably nobody will ever see.
Is that how these work? You make a new post with the then current list of what you've played for the year each time you finish another one?
What I do - I can't speak for everyone else - is top make a new post when I beat a game I've not beaten before, and occasionally compile a list of all the games beaten that year.