01/16: Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (PC)
02/16: Sanitarium (PC)
03/15: Give Up Robot 2 (Browser)
03/22: Cardboard Box Assembler (Browser)
04/01: King's Guard (Browser)
04/02: Sarah's Run (Browser)
04/13: Peggle Nights (PC)
04/13: Terra: The Legend of the Geochine (PC)
04/16: Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (PS2)
05/05: Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer (PC) *NEW*
05/11: Chef Boyardee's... Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden (PC) *NEW*
These games are both remarkable for very different reasons.
Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer is absolutely, far and away, the single most psychologically disturbing game I have ever played.
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is absolutely, far and away, the single funniest game I have ever played.
In Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer you are part of a secret society of sadists that abduct people and bring them into homemade dungeons to videotape the torture and murder of their unwilling victims. They then upload their videos to a website and exchange reviews of one another's snuff films... well they are only snuff if the person accidentally dies though... the ultimate goal for these sadists is not actually to kill their victims, but to break them down physically and emotionally to the point that their lives are forever haunted and destroyed, so that when they survive the dungeon there is still no hope, they live their lives ruined in madness, and only wish they were dead. This is when they have made what the dungeoneers call a "beautiful escape."
If you dare to try it, the game is
free here Now for the funny...
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is an RPG in the vain of Final Fantasy VI, but in a crazy world where basketball has been outlawed and it is up to Charles Barkley to bring the world back to the glory days of slams and jams. I really love this game and think more people should play it just to experience the absolute lunacy of it. Not only is the main gag funny, but there is tons of hilarious dialogue with in-jokes about JRPGs and basketball-- two things that don't go together, but lead to comedy magic in this game. Really, if you like RPGs, or basketball, or both, then it's worth your time.
Oh, and did I mention that
it's free?