Aliasalpha: Homefront Curious the way perspective is, in contrast to what bowlingotter thought, I thought it was a really good game. Short but took me about 6 hours, I thought it was the equal to COD gameplay wise and the story was a lot better (for a start it made sense).
For the length I was glad I only paid au$50 for it, that feels like the right price to me but I'm glad I bought it
While I admit that the story made sense, the game itself didn't have any story to it. The narrative that served as the build-up and intro to the game is very cool and an awesome concept. But the game itself did nothing to expand on it. By the end, there's not even any sort of explanation of what the whole thing accomplished, if anything. The game had some big-time writers behind it and it simply didn't deliver.
I didn't find it equal to COD gameplay wise because all it really did was restate things that COD had already done, and in much less believable fashion. The "stealth" missions apparently had the most oblivious AI on the planet, 90% of the enemies were cookie cutter copies of one another, and they just ran back and forth aimlessly. There were also clipping issues and some poor hit detection, like shooting at open space and hitting a phantom wall in front of you, while enemies could often shoot through cover.
Of course, to each his own, but particularly from a technical aspect, I feel that it's inferior to most other shooters within the genre. Its biggest potential was in narrative and that just turned out to be a gigantic missed opportunity. The coolest part of the game was the montage intro and the first 2 levels or so while the environment was fresh. After that wore off, it became clearer that it didn't have anything to offer.