lugum: edna and harvey is a superb adventure that could match any good adventure game
of the old days. playing the sequel atm, translated, harveys new eyes
Leroux: I'm wondering if I should play the original, in German, which would make the most sense for me as a native speaker. On the other hand, comparing gameplay videos on youtube, I somehow find the English localization more enjoyable (which is probably a sacrilege, but it seems to be more professional), so I'm a bit on the fence there. I'd buy it this instance if I knew both languages were included, but I suspect the GamersGate version is just the English translation.
Foxhack: Jolly Rover does -not- have any Securom on Steam. It's just, well, Steam.
Leroux: It does on GamersGate apparantly. And I've got bad experiences with GamersGate games using SecuRom, so in that regard Steam might be the better choice. But it would still require online activation and that's the other thing I'm trying to avoid.
i played the german version of edna and harvey , german is not my native language but i would like to learn it and dutch is close to it.
it didnt have both languages included, same goes for harveys neue eugen, german only too. but i can say the german voices are done outstanding, but it might sound different to you when its your native could try youtube a movie for it and see which language you prefer.