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I didn’t choose the clown life, the clown life chose me.

The Whispered World: Special Edition, a charming, hand-drawn adventure of the boy-clown Sadwick and his caterpillar pal Spot, is available on for $15.99 (20% off the full price until 9:59 AM GMT on 13 May 2014.

Sadwick is a twelve-year old with a melancholic vein. He not only dislikes the circus, where he lives with his brother and grandpa, and his normal life, where he cannot travel and explore the world, but also, he’s just been told in a prophetic dream that the world is coming to an end, and it’s his fault. And even though Sadwick is not happy with the way things are going for him, he is not going to let the world just end without a fight. This sad clown will travel through four game acts, with his caterpillar friend Spot, to the King’s Castle in Corona to prevent the beautiful but perilous world of Silentia from sliding into destruction.

This is just the beginning of an engaging and emotional dreamlike game starring this uncommon but sympathetic pair trying to save everything that exists. The graphics are suited for a fairy-tale: absolutely stunning hand-drawn scenery and animated cartoon characters. Subtle humor, usually coming from Sadwick’s cynical comments, strange encounters, otherworldly locations, and imaginative riddles guarantees an unforgettable adventure.

New in the Special Edition is the developers' commentary featuring Jan 'Poki' Müller-Michaelis and Marco Hüllen, as well as the in-game orchestral soundtrack, unlockable achievements, an alternate ending, and re-polished graphics in some scenes. The Whispered World: Special Edition is an enchanted point-and click with twists and turns to hold you occupied for days. The game won “Best Story” and “Best Youth Game” at the 2009 German Game Developer Awards and is an excellent adventure game for all ages.

Important notice!
Owners of the previous version of The Whispered World will receive this update for FREE. Please check your accounts for new installers and additional goodies!

Immerse yourself in a world of adventure in The Whispered World: Special Edition for $15.99 (a 20% discount) before 9:59 AM GMT on 13 May 2014.
Pass for me.
high rated
Dear Daedalic Entertainment!

Today I have realized that you are not only a creator of Rufus but in a sense - you started to behave just like he does. You even preserved the way he evolved though the parts of Deponia trilogy.

Now, I do feel sorry that you have been dumped into financial Deponia. It's understandable that you dream about Elysium and I don't blame you that you actively trying to reach your goal (pun intended;). But do you realize that you are doing it just like Rufus?

In the first part he was so focused on his "plans" that he didn't even realize that he was hurting other people, including those who still tried to support him against their better judgment. And of course he kept blaming others for his failures.

And that's more less what you have been doing. Not including German language, postponing a release of your games on certain platforms etc., etc. Not surprisingly you also blamed others like your retail publisher.

But then came part two and Rufus changed significantly. He started to directly hurt other people and animals even when he was specifically told not to do so. This time he didn't even have an excuse that "it just happened". He even treacherously hurt Goal even though he claimed she was very important for him.

And yeah, you have followed this pattern step by step. Increasing the price of your games and what's even worse - not including German language for a safe published game! I'm sure it was really shocking for you fans and they felt betrayed just like Rufus betrayed Goal. And we though that fans were important for you!

From time to time Rufus managed to do something correctly. Usually once per game when he was directly confronted and pressed against the wall.

And look! That's what's happening right now! You've been pressed against the wall by your fans so you've decided that you will give the Special Edition upgrade for free for those who previously bought your game. How generous! At the same time you are doubling the price for new customers and this "brand new content" just can't justify it.

So... what's next? Are you planning to split into three divisions, Daedalic Adventure Games, Daedalic RPG Games and Daedalic Strategy Games? Well, why not? But if you don't change your attitude they will all fail miserably...

I still, however, honestly wish you a very happy ending. If you ever change your Rufusian behavior you can count on my full support (and I don't mean likes via Facebook). But for now... well... there is this catchy tune in the first Deponia: "screw you guys, mind your own business, I'm off now goodbye!"

I'll bring my popcorn...
So beside the commentary and achievements, there is no real new content to this "special edition"? I don't think those editions worth doubling the game price and if to be honest TWW is one of Daedalic lesser adventure games - I recommend buying "The Night of the Rabbit", same price but much better game.
Post edited May 06, 2014 by Ingsoc85
damien: I'll bring my popcorn...
Popcorn for what? The update is free for previous owners.
Well, at least it turned out not to be so extremly rediculus as told in this thread, as previous owners get the update for free now...

Anyways, I think Deadalic should still heal the wounds they casted at Deponia III Release.
The scars a deep, but they can still be removed...

Oh, and please: Do write your complains in the forums of Deadalic! (General) (The Whispered World) (Deponia III)

They´ll always change their minds as long as we are complaining loud enough!
Post edited May 06, 2014 by RadonGOG
Selling a patch is quite bad, but I'd say a BIG thanks to GOG for the free update!

EDIT: it seems that the dev themselves changed idea about the price for previous owners. Good decision, thanks.
Post edited May 06, 2014 by phaolo
Free update! Thanks!
damien: I'll bring my popcorn...
Crosmando: Popcorn for what? The update is free for previous owners.
oh I guess I missed that. it is a wise move by Daedalic
Pass too expensive. Maybe if it were packaged with other Deadalic games for 20$ but surely not 19.99$ for one five year old game.
Post edited May 06, 2014 by Matruchus
Not to be rude or anything, I was kinda hoping for Outlast: Whistleblower. Any chance it will be released some time during the day?

edit: Oh yeah, by the way: thanks for the free update! ;)
Post edited May 06, 2014 by fronzelneekburm
Hmm, at least it's free for previous owners.
Awesome game. Thanks for update.
"Trailers Always Spoil" the perfect example...