orcishgamer: Look, what may seem "obvious" to you is not necessarily obvious. Again, if he's acting like a dick to their support they have every right to take away his forum privileges and refuse to offer him customer support anymore. There's no world where it's "okay" to take his money and his games, even supposing he faxed a picture of his junk to them, no matter how much we might like a developer or their games.
Delixe: This isn't about what is ok. It's not ok for my government to cut welfare so they can pay bank bond owners €750 million but they still do it. This guy bought his games from the EA Store, not retail and then proceded to do something bad enough that warranted a suspension NOT a ban. It would be exactly the same deal with Steam, Impulse and indeed GOG. It's not ok but they are the rules we agree to.
He warranted suspension... from his forum account. That's the difference.
It didn't sound like he was crying that his ban was unjustified, he was just complaining that it extended to something that it most surely shouldn't have.
For the record:
- I download everything off GOG and make physical backups (I'm a little behind the last few weeks on a few of my physical backups), storage is cheap, I can dupe these on a big disc and stick it in a safe deposit box along with other crap I would rather not lose
- I don't deal with Steam
- I have dealt with Impulse exactly once, as I had credits left over from Stardock's old TotalGaming.net store, it left a bad taste in my mouth when I realized that I had to activate my backup, therefor I don't buy from Impulse, though I have used the client to activate some of my old, Stardock games on CD/DVD to easily patch and grab free, bonus content.
I'm curious, does EA still sell DLC on disc or do they force you to plug in an activation code (like I hear Borderlands GOTY does) for all the DLC and download it? They seem to make it harder year after year to avoid their DD store, even by buying a physical copy.