pimpmonkey2382: I will have to look into it, thank you, also never played any of the dune games. :P
bezarkane: If you want to play Dune 2000 hassle free under a new system and free of charge, look no further... There is a fan remake that is very close to the original, also including C&C and C&C Red Alert. Oh, did I mention the functioning multiplayer mode for all of the three?
That link is nice but I hit a few snags. It's only an online game that doesn't give you the original scenarios but rather sets you up with a list of currently open maps.
Second, it only seems to work for Red Alert. There is mention of TW and Dune there but no downloads or links.
Lastly, it needed my RA disc (which I happen to have) just to install it.
Okay I got it working without needing the disc but it still is just skirmish which is great for online gamers. Dorks like myself might want to pass though I will say it looks and sounds amazing. I wish I could make my original RA game look that good.