shadowmirage: Oops, I suppose I failed to acknowledge that the game "I most wanted from GOG" was supposed to be the game you might have gifted to me >_<. I thought it was just a question.
Edit: And I didn't realize I was a winner XD. Sometimes I am completely blind.
Well here you go, I hope this is alright: Thank you so much, once again, and excuse me for my moment of stupidity ^^.
No Prob...It happens... Just sent you the code for
King of Dragon Pass Check your PM
tarunmutreja: You are welcome!
It seems so... I have played this game many a times since i got my hands on it... Story of the game is just so amazing... A masterpiece :)
Stooner: yeah... pretty much... If you don't count on that damn racing part... ;p
yeah that was a bummer... but there is cheat for that so i just skip through it :D
joek0: Thanks for getting me Dangerous Dave.
You are welcome! Have fun..