MichaelFurlong: @Kailos, ignore the trolls.
Battlestar Galactica was such a disappointment, I am glad a sci fi program was so successful but I saw it as a bastard child between sci fi and drama. The character's personalities would change every few episodes to allow for (repeated) dramatic love triangles and other psychological bull.
I recently started watching babylon 5 and (naturally ignoring the CGI) I am liking it alot more. As for my favourite (serious) sci fi, I think it has to be Space above and beyond, I still can't believe it was cancelled, bastards on fox. My favourite comedy Sci-fi has to be red dwarf, though it got naff as it got older.
I havn't actually gotten around to watch Doctor who, as a Brit I suppose I should but, eh.
Oh, as for slang, I prefer to say "taking the piss" myself.
I have to agree with you on that note. I am enjoying Battlestar Galactica, but only because of the few shows I do watch (House M.D., Bones, Smallville), they are usually a drama, disguised as something else (medical procedural, police procedural, superhero genre show). Honestly, the Cylons make so few attacks (at least from what I have seen in the first season) and most of the focus is on character interactions. It is easy to forget that you are watching a science fiction/wartime show. BG is almost the very definition of a space opera. Perhaps I am just spoiled by Doctor Who. It is always so exciting and an adventure into the unknown. Battlestar Galactica is always about the drama and relationships. So as a show in general, I enjoy it, but as a sci-fi program, I often feel that it could have been something else. The Cylons, the war and outer space all seem very secondary in Battlestar Galactica.