xxxIndyxxx: Okay final update before i run out of time. I will play tomorrow. I crashes when starting a new game...after the intro. Fixed that will loading the first map in the console and the starting a new game.
One more issue: the cd music doesn't loop. Does anybody know how to fix that in older games because i know a lot of them have this issue. Blood had it too for instance.
Try adding the games exe to DEP, it may be stopping something from running, you can also add whichever Glide Wrapper you are using to DEP.
To do this (Vista & Windows 7) :
Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Settings (Performace at top under Advanced tab) > Data Execution Prevention tab
Select second DEP option (bottom one)
Then at bottom of Window click add and locate the games exe file, if there's more then one repeat process to add extra files (could be a launcher and also the exe file). After adding the files to it click Apply at bottom and try again.
Same goes for Divine and Beyond Divinity, movies don't play if the game isn't added to this.