mufansne: I like the FEAR, never played the expansions or anything above, though. Bought it from the winter sale this year so I'm
not in but thanks for the chance. Are the expansions and sequels that bad?
Extraction Point is a desperate attempt to directly continue the story from F.E.A.R., but all it really does is give you an objective that you will inevitably fail, then give you the next one which you'll also fail along the way. It gets really tiring after a while, like it's all scripted by a sadistic DM, and it also made me think Point Man is the most incompetent fool ever to have picked up a gun. His only merit seems to be amazing survivability when everything and everyone around him is going to hell.
Perseus Mandate is decent, but it is so unconnected to anything in F.E.A.R. that it might as well be from a different franchise. Both expansions are unofficial, of course.
F.E.A.R. 2 and F.3.A.R. have a very high chance of appearing on my Ten Worst Games of All Time list if I ever got round to making one. Neither is particularly solidly connected to the original game, and both have atrocious endings that words cannot begin to describe. Also, I know F.E.A.R. does a poor job at explaining what's going on, but that's kind of the point: Point Man is isolated from the outside world and he gets very little first-hand information. In the sequels, the veils of mystery have been lifted but nothing makes sense even then.
Licurg: The third one is actually good, not as atmospheric as the first, but a very good game overall.
It's not scary, nothing makes any sense at any point, it's boring and it took me all of four hours - including a lengthy coffee break - to play through it. I wouldn't call it very good, but whatever floats yours, I suppose.