Goatbrush: Love horror games. Hard to choose a favourite, but right now I'm going to say the first Silent Hill game just because I've been craving to play it again recently.
Honorable mentions: Amnesia, Sanitarium, Resident Evil series (second/fourth sticks out for me), Clock Tower, Shadow of the Comet. I even liked 7th Guest/11th Hour way back when they first came out but I accept they haven't aged so well. Oh shit and Gabriel Knight 2, loved that game. I've not checked out the first/third games in the series yet because I suck.
Also, 5 Days a Stranger is great, and free! I recommend it.
Edit: Almost forgot Shadow of the Comet. Great game.
Yay! Someone else who actually liked Clock Tower :)
Hmm...for me, its a mood thing. The original Silent Hill scared the crap out of me, but I also loved 7th Guest, System Shock, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil...oh and Eternal Darkness certainly had it's moments too, when your character was going insane :)