FraterPerdurabo: Fallout has a great story but really lacks polish. Fallout 2 is much more refined. Also make sure you download killap's restoration project, the least it does is fix a lot of bugs.
I found FO2 to be substantially LESS polished than FO1. There's a lot more cut content and half-finished zones, there's several hundred more bugs, etc. Broken Hills and San Francisco don't have ANY items in ANY containers in the entire zones, except for plot-relevant stuff, for instance. It's a much bigger game and there's a lot more options available for practically everything, but polish it does not have.
Arcanum is a fun game, and it's got an interesting story much like Fallout does, but from a gameplay perspective it's got major issues. It's buggier even than FO2, several of the mechanics are just borked, (like item damage, grenades, or armor sizes) the party AI is even worse than in FO2 (though it's better than FO1 due to the interface) and magic characters are just obscenely powerful compared to tech characters. It's still a brilliant game, but those things impede my ability to enjoy it somewhat. However, I know plenty of folks who like it more than Fallout simply due to the setting, and you might be one of them. But for me, it comes behind FO and FO2... but it shouldn't feel bad, they're in my top 10 games of all time.