Posted August 21, 2010
From word on the boards, those who beta tested/pre-ordered (not sure how they are going to distinguish) will be able to download the Gold version some time tomorrow night and sometime on Monday (respectively). The 0-Day patch and the everyone else release will be on Tuesday, as planned.
As a point of reference: Apparently the Gold version (retail) of GalCiv2 had no starbases. So no idea how drastic things will differ for Elemental. So I plan to just play the SP campaign (which is all quest based and the like), and save the meat and potatoes (sandbox) for post 0-day. Knowing my luck, I'll build my entire strategy around something that gets removed or rendered ineffective with the 0-day patch :p
As a point of reference: Apparently the Gold version (retail) of GalCiv2 had no starbases. So no idea how drastic things will differ for Elemental. So I plan to just play the SP campaign (which is all quest based and the like), and save the meat and potatoes (sandbox) for post 0-day. Knowing my luck, I'll build my entire strategy around something that gets removed or rendered ineffective with the 0-day patch :p