Posted September 05, 2010

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010
Absolutely. It's very sad to see, for someone who had great hopes that Stardock/Brad were no foolin' some kind of strange cut above, the way they said they were. Gal Civ 2 made me a huge believer, and I was skeptical but optimistic about the Gamer's Bill of Rights. But I've had to realize that things can change.
Right now Brad has been so over the top and punitive on his forums that they're a breeding ground for fanboys, butt kissers, and yes men. I would never give my honest opinion about anything there, as I see how Brad personally has reacted to even mild criticism there, and how his flunkies have dogpiled on top when he has done so. Embarrassing and shameful all around, IMO, and not something one should want to be any part of.
I was extremely excited about the release of first Demigod and Elemental. Now I'm very glad I waited for the dust to settle before buying ... and then decided not to buy at all.

Poops Darkmatter
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010
I have to say the "fences" software is a freaking awesome idea, and there Sins of a Solar was ok... for all of 30 minutes...
as for Demigod they really hurt Spacesiege with that walking heap of shit... if GPG wasent so focused on that we might have Dungeon Siege 3 inhouse with GPG and a very BADASS Space ARPG to play.... but NO... we dont...
Thank you GOD for Crate Entertainment... after Grim Dawn drops there is a chance they will work on there Dark Fantasy or the Sapce ARPG they've been dying to make ^_^
instead of other devs coding in co-op modes *coughtorchlightcough*

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010
Quite frankly, I am agreeing with most of the responses to your post (at least the first 6).
What was that going to accomplish, other than trying to start crap (you know, the definition of trolling...).
There is not a single person who isn't disappointed in this game. I personally still feel it was worth grabbing since I do enjoy the current form (but am waiting for 1.1 before i start another game :p). But what does trolling the forums (and then posting a link here, to show how proud you are of trolling) accomplish?
Stardock is aware people are annoyed.
Wardell is aware people are annoyed.
Stardock and Wardell's pockets are DEFINITELY aware people are annoyed.
And while I am here, I'll comment on what I took away from Wardell's pseudo-apology: He was too close to the game, and he was making his "dream game". As such, he didn't catch a lot of the UI issues and some of the gameplay conceptual issues. As for the former, I don't see too many, but I AM a 4x player, so I have very low standards :p. As for the latter: Yeah, a lot of the design choices annoy me (useless dynasties come to mind :p), but those can go either way.
As for performance issues and bugs: Yeah, those should really have gotten ironed out (and honestly, a LOT of them did). A lot of the more glaring mistakes (shards being useless) are probably a result of poor software development. You don't really notice those until late game, but if you are building a new version every few hours..
So yeah, this game has a lot of issues. Most of which, can be fixed with just a few patches. But either way, it is generally poor taste to troll forums.

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted September 05, 2010

whats wrong with a FREE content update? seriously? go think before you write something.

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010

The thread was deleted by a mod or an admin ) or by Brad )
One thing is sure. You can't criticize a CEO of a company on his forum.
No, you can criticize them. Or, at least, you can criticize Wardell. You just can't troll. Take a look at most of the other threads. There is a LOT of resentment. There is also a lot of brown-nosing.
You call that "your opinion". Okay. Did you need to share it in a manner that was clearly meant to antagonize a large portion of the forums (the brown-nosers)?
It is great to protest and share your opinion and the like. Just keep it tasteful. People will express mild annoyance, but listen, when they see people arguing for the ethical treatment of animals. But when you get a bunch of whackjobs who are screaming "MEAT IS MURDER" over and over, people tune them out.
In case that was too complex: You were PETA in this case, so you got shut up before a flame war broke out.

Nothing is wrong with that, and it is a good sign of faith. Lobs point was that Wardell had argued that they weren't even planning on doing expansion packs, then offer to give them out for free.
Post edited September 05, 2010 by Gundato

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted September 05, 2010

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010
Well, I am offically getting a new Dvd after they fix the game up sent here............ (I got the run of the mill, "You have internet but cant download the patch why not?" crap)
After I said yeah, the network my computer is on is not the same network the Military network uses.
So, im back on the fence as to buying any other stardock game in the future....
After I said yeah, the network my computer is on is not the same network the Military network uses.
So, im back on the fence as to buying any other stardock game in the future....

Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted September 05, 2010

Yeah, Gundato basically said it for me. I know my posting style is a bit understated.

Maverick Hunter
Registered: Aug 2009
From Peru
Posted September 05, 2010

Brad said they weren't planning to do any expansion packs until the game was in a stable state but they definitely had expansion packs planned for later on. I'm too lazy to look for the post but he said that there were 2 expansions planned (maybe more?) related to book 2 and 3 which I assume refer to sequels to the Elemental book he wrote. They were going to be payed expansions but because of the failed launch of Elemental he was still deciding whether or not to give the first one for free to anyone that purchased the game before certain date.
I'm haven't been reading his more recent posts so maybe he already decided to give away the first expansion to everyone. If he did say anywhere that they weren't planning to make any expansion pack ever then that was definitely a lie.

Live long and prosper!
Registered: Nov 2008
From Austria
Posted September 05, 2010

What? Since when? As far as I know, it's legally impossible unless someone (e.g. a family member; someone with legal right to the company via inheritance law) claims that the owner of the company is mentally unfit to run it. He can also have his company forcibly sold if he can't pay off his creditors (i.e. he goes bankrupt). Those are the only two ways, off the top of my head, where the owner of a private company can have his business taken away from him.
There is no way for Brad to be removed from Stardock by some third party (concerned employees, customers, or whoever) just on the grounds that he appears to be incorrigibly stupid and incompetent.

New User
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010
Yeah, one of the most frustrating things about dealing with fanboys is that they consider anything less then total praise to be "Trolling".
Post edited September 05, 2010 by dudalb

Right bastard
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted September 05, 2010

The thread was deleted by a mod or an admin ) or by Brad )
One thing is sure. You can't criticize a CEO of a company on his forum.
Yeah, I agree with Gundato on this one. What was the point? Having had a chance to read the thread, all that you really came off as was a sort of Bizarro Fanboy. Just as irrational and silly, just from the opposite side of things.

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 05, 2010

The thread was deleted by a mod or an admin ) or by Brad )
One thing is sure. You can't criticize a CEO of a company on his forum.

This is actually one thing that always annoys me. People feel that any form of moderation at all (when it affects them) is gestapo-esque thought police.
I have yet to find a major publisher/developer's website where negative feedback was truly banned. Generally, the only time something is moderated is if it is intended to piss off the fans (trolling), the umpteenth thread on a hot-button topic (looks like Stardock is doing that for refunds. Relic does it quite often when they are about to do a press release, etc), or something that is clearly just an attack on the company itself (ie. something that doesn't really lend itself to discussion, like "I think Mark Rein is a racist bastard who rapes children").
Point of reference, to those who feel that it wasn't trolling/who never saw the thread and just assume it is "fanboys" who don't want to hear anything other than the sound of their own voice/opinion (let's let the irony soak in there :p): We have a few morons like this on GoG every once in a while. People who feel that just because customer support has been abysmal as of late (or, if you want my example to be even more direct, Interstate 76 is broken as hell) that GoG is a horrible site and that everyone who supports GoG and points out that it is (probably) only a temporary thing are fanboys.
Do you see what I did there? :P
For those who lean more toward the biblical: Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. Everyone else can point and laugh as the scrawny kid knocks the genetically deformed and partially blind giant out with a rock.