I was asked to draw a picture of what the world looked like in the year 2000 when I was in school. I remember I drew a picture of my school (it was a domed glasshouse) and the students were all skating around on hover-boards. There were robot dogs and flying school-buses. I think I won a prize for it and had it put on display in the school corridor. Also, all the billboards and signs were electronic and written in Chinese.
Since adulthood has destroyed all my fanciful dreams, I'll link this
chart instead. It attempts to predict the future of technology by looking at the current on-going research, projects and information we possess and extrapolating from there up until the year 2040. It's actually pretty incredible - perhaps by the year 2090 most of this will be taken for granted.
As for the more bleak outcomes that may await us... I'd rather leave that to science-fiction novels for the time being. I want to remain optimistic that we can turn our destruction around into restoration. I will attempt to remain cognisant of contemporary issues, and most people I know do at least recycle all their rubbish and choose to buy second-hand goods.