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I may like some mmo's but most of the time when I'm playing my games I just like to be left alone and enjoy them at my own leisure. I'm a casual player, I like to play for fun not serious business.

And I like to avoid douchebags like these who can't accept that there are indeed female gamers out there and think that saying certain words make them sound more adult:

edit: In other words, nothing of value is lost to me. There hasn't been an EA game that caught my interest in a long time.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Thunderstone
Look at any big or great company in gaming industry:


All their new games have MP or social features, but EA is just the only one that said it loud, so only they will be blamed for it.

I believe that if Gabe Newell would say that all Valve's games from now on will have MP (it wouldn't change nothing because all of their games have MP), then people would start crying "Shut up and take my money!".
Yeah Jumping in the Social Gaming pool while the water is draining from a big leak is a good idea EA

Aver: Look at any big or great company in gaming industry:


All their new games have MP or social features, but EA is just the only one that said it loud, so only they will be blamed for it.

I believe that if Gabe Newell would say that all Valve's games from now on will have MP (it wouldn't change nothing because all of their games have MP), then people would start crying "Shut up and take my money!".
You know I hate it when people say,"EA stop making everthing MP, we want single-player games look at Skyrim, its single-player and it sold a lot" the thing is EA is not in Bethesda's shoes EA is in a completely different situation then bethesda
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Elmofongo
keeveek: I think it will get common pretty fast. It's like ultimate DRM. Pirates may crack those games, but they won't be fully playable (or maybe not playable at all), so pirates will get crippled experience.
That's Diablo 3 and Ubi-drm over again, with just a slight twist hoping that peoples will be stupid enough to not notice that it's basically the same thing.

Personally I don't really consider that having a pseudo single player with multiplayer features artificially forced into it is that much better than no single player at all. As long as the multiplayer parts are optional and don't impair the single player experience, fine, as soon as they stop to be then it's no better than any other always online DRM.
the best part is that he sounds like they are going cloud based streaming, for everything ...

I'm guessing that the Xbox 720 AND PS4 have either got shitty specs, outrageous development fees, or are just going to be On-live style modems sold as consoles so all this is just EA walking the line.
Sogi-Ya: the best part is that he sounds like they are going cloud based streaming, for everything ...

I'm guessing that the Xbox 720 AND PS4 have either got shitty specs, outrageous development fees, or are just going to be On-live style modems sold as consoles so all this is just EA walking the line.
and that is why I will make sure the Wii U and 3DS will be my last consoles so far

Off topic wanna know something neat today I went to K-Mart and I saw the were selling SWTOR and Witcher 2 PC on retail.

Rare thing to see different retail PC games at a store that is not Blizzard games sadly I could not buy Witcher because I bought Saints Row 3 just now and rather play SWTOR when F2P
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Elmofongo