Lorfean: Seriously, DS1 doesn't hold a candle to D2.
lol We'll never agree on that, but that's ok. It does not matter. :)
Lorfean: I think he means that, between the auto-attack, the automatic skill increase when you use weapon or magic type X,
This is not a valid excuse : there are options to disable auto-attack. DS1 gives you choices to play the game in different manners. You don't have to play like an idiot if you don't want to.
Lorfean: and the fact that your companions require little to no guidance in or out of combat, there was very little player input needed to play the game and most battles just kinda played out in front of you.
I personally never play games with AI. They usually behave like nuisance and get in your way.
This discussion makes me want to play the game again, and this time I'll try to use companions (meh), but I'm pretty sure that you can manage them just fine with the auto-attack settings.
Edit : I have just tried with companions, and you can set your party's attack mode as you desire. So, no, the game doesn't "play by itself" if you don't want to.
Lorfean: This is a common complaint that was brought up in a lot of reviews as well, and I agree with it.
I couldn't care less about what reviews say. :)