GameRager: but what can ya do now?
Gersen: Definitely not pre-ordering it... despite my better judgment I was tempted too.. but thanks to this demo I will pass.
Dude, i'm telling ya you're missing out....this is the nerfed/censored/buggy pax demo with some extra bits added on......a true careful buyer wouldn't just play the demo, they'd read reviews of people playing it(bad and good) and watch gameplay vids. Did you do all that yet? I am not trying to just hype, I don't want another Duke fan to miss out is all.
Btw for all...another review from another Duke4 member:
====================== Ok, I just finished the demo and I gotta say...I fcuking loved it.
I spent around 40 minutes in the locker room staining towels with **** and turning things on and off and pissing in every toliet, my fun with the crap ended only when it got stuck in the bath, I tried to get it out but couldnt.
Then I drew a dick squirting into Emperors face and signed it, I broke every box, punched every object (including every body and EDF soldier) before going out to beat the crap out of The Cycloid Emperor, which I did and had a ball doing.
By this point Im loving it and drooling for next bit.
On to the desert, the truck handling is great it feels weighty and solid as does it when you run down Pigs, after mashing a bunch of cactus's and splating a few Pig-Cops Im over the jump and playing with the guns.
The Railgun is EPIC! feels solid as do all the rest of the guns I found, satisfying thuds and bangs are the soundtrack to the mutilations of stinking Pig-Cops, BANG! there goes a leg, BANG! there goes a head, BANG! that pigs head just grew and exploded. Fun.
The Pig-Cop are super aggro just as they were in Duke 3D, I like this, its a sign of good thing to come, I got my ass kicked on more than one occasion until I found the pibe-bombs and it all went downhill for the little piggys from there on.
Duke himself feels solid and the running is cool just fast enough (nowhere near as fast as 3D though, but we can leave that to the modders )
I loved the oneliners that I heard, especially the Predator reference "if it bleeds then I can kill it", its gonna be fun hearing the rest and I cant wait, as Im a big movie fan, especially the kind of movies the Duke is influenced by.
The envoirnments seem to be really destructable, I aimed a rpg at a water tower to see if I could "kill" it, and yep you can, I hope the game is full of breakable objects like this.
I like the punching but it doesnt seem that you can use fists any time you want, but the melee it good enough so I dont mind too much.
The sound effects are great as is the music, very film like.
The graphics are no suprise, they are ok they have style and some parts look really good where as other parts look average, they are in no means crap and pretty much what you would expect from a 2006 game, anyway they are more than good enough for me, and many of you too Id bet. (on 360 anyway)
Complaints? Sorry I had too much fun to notice anything really negative, and next week cant come fast enough for me, its gonna be a beautiful, fun game, if you dont get it then enjoy missing out on playing history bitch.
Cant wait to try multiplayer.
Another review, this time more critical but fair:
============================== As some of you know I have two codes, one for Xbox and one for PC Steam version of the game, and that makes comparison very easy.
Some things I hope and DEMAND which will be fixed, because they're very basics:
- Possibility to change the language in the game (german synchro SUCKS bad)
- Possibility to change the FOV (this was requested the first time when the DNF section opened @Gearbox)
- Weapon balancing (Ripper too weak imho)
- Proper 16:10 / 16:9 support...something feels wierd there. I think it's the same issue like with Bioshock (1+2), that the upper & lower parts of the screen are simply cut.
Everything else I enjoyed and most important: for me it feels like Duke!
And I can live with the two weapons limit. I'm glad that the "mine" part hasn't been taken out like Scott Miller mentioned before.
Performance: very nice, except the very LONG loading times @ Xbox version of the game. On my PC it runs very smooth (40+ fps) with GeForce8800 GTS (without FSAA/FXAA). Imho the FSAA/FXAA settings are bugged, because they slow down the game way too extremely.
Controls are OK with Vsync off and some mouse sensitivity settings, but it's nowhere near as clear/smooth as Q3/Q4/idTech engine powered games.
Skill level: I really like the difficulty settings, feels right for me. Harder on the xbox obiously, because of gamepad-controller