Big bosoms. They always work. I've got your number GOG!
Thanks to everyone and to Reaver for holding the contest! Thanks to Galimatias as well! Glad you guys liked the entry. I'd also like to thank my fellow actors, my producer and my parents for always believing in me... :)
Fujek: If he's really been drawing that himself, I'm left in a state of awe and envy.
Been doing it since I was a kid, but it's mostly a hobby nowadays. I owe my english and my drawing skill mostly to comic books I read as... well, pretty much for most of my life.
As to the game I'm undecided between Desperados and Temple of Elemental Evil. Which one is easier? I don't have the time to play games that are too hardcore (hence why commandos is still unplayed) but I like the gameplay of both (I've played Baldur's Gate 2 and Robin Hood and enjoyed both).