Posted January 05, 2010

I had been looking forward to this all my life, or, un-life as it were. I had only been born a few weeks ago, as it turns out I was once an adventurer, returned to life by the Darkspawn.
it tooks me some time to regain my strength, it seems now that I must be stronger than I ever was, as my body doesn't appear as if I could physically be a threat to anyone, I am still rather capable.
Some kind of dark magic I suppose.
Today is the day I am to take on my first few adventurers, but the word is that they have been delayed, they should have been here hours ago, but now there's no telling when they'll come, or even if they will ever come. I may never become a full darkspawn without killing someone.. if that happens my body will degenerate and I will die, again..
I must kill, I must destroy. In order to stay strong, someone else must die.
You're a regular David Gaider. ;)