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Cormoran: ...
Fenixp: Just about every game ever gets an incredible amount of potentially cool stuff cut out. It's quite natural.
Oh I know that, It was just that in the case of Deus Ex, it seemed to fill the developers minds.

It wore on me hearing about all this cut content again and again and again. It felt like the devs were frustrated with it, like they wanted to make something so much bigger. This is in contrast to Alan Wakes dev commentary which only talked about all the stuff that was actually in the game, those devs seemed excited at what they made.

More on the article itself, I found this rather insulting: “It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand. They’re usually oblivious to what’s going on, harping on what color the sails should be while the hull is rapidly leaking water. Which is a strange dissonance from our perspective, let me tell you.”

I feel that in the end it's the gamer who decides what is a 'leaky hull' and what is a 'wrongly coloured sail'. Devs may have their reasons for why things are like they are in a game but we're the ones who end up paying for that in whether we're entertained or not and those reasons are irrelevant to that.
WBGhiro: The only thing I don't get is what the last paragraph is supposed to mean, just because they said where they are in the development process hardly makes bioware anymore honest than other devs.
It's referring to this:

Every cut feels like it’s reducing the overall quality of the game, until there are so many of them you feel like you’re producing a piece of crap

And I think it's a valid point. I mean, look at the potential for taking that statement out of context. Pretty sure many devs wouldn't be allowed to say anything like that by their publishers/PR people.

Cormoran: More on the article itself, I found this rather insulting: “It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand. They’re usually oblivious to what’s going on, harping on what color the sails should be while the hull is rapidly leaking water. Which is a strange dissonance from our perspective, let me tell you.”

I feel that in the end it's the gamer who decides what is a 'leaky hull' and what is a 'wrongly coloured sail'. Devs may have their reasons for why things are like they are in a game but we're the ones who end up paying for that in whether we're entertained or not and those reasons are irrelevant to that.
I don't think it was meant that way. Pretty sure he's referring to the fact that many fans start hand-wringing about stuff that's not remotely integral to the game (although it may be something they personally find important or are passionate about), while the devs are down in the weeds dealing with content that's crucial to the game/story.
Fenixp: Just about every game ever gets an incredible amount of potentially cool stuff cut out. It's quite natural.
Well, just so long as they don't cut any content from Max Gentlemen that should be alright. It's so hard to find a good extreme manners simulator these days.
Pangaea666: Is it nice to work for EA? Do they have a nice lunchtable at least?

Tallima: I've been accused of working for them twice on the Internets now. :) Man, that would be fun. And I could Canadian! Land of my forefathers.


#2 had some great story elements and I appreciated the tie-ins and change of perspective moments.
It was a bit tongue in cheek of course. However, this is probably the first time I've heard anybody say anything positive about the story in Dragon Age 2.

Personally, I've written off DA 3 a long time ago, and have stopped buying anything that comes out of EA. I've learnt from mistakes, and won't fall for their hype machinery again. I know what they bring to the table, and it's not for me.
Tallima: I've been accused of working for them twice on the Internets now. :) Man, that would be fun. And I could Canadian! Land of my forefathers.


#2 had some great story elements and I appreciated the tie-ins and change of perspective moments.
Pangaea666: It was a bit tongue in cheek of course. However, this is probably the first time I've heard anybody say anything positive about the story in Dragon Age 2.

Personally, I've written off DA 3 a long time ago, and have stopped buying anything that comes out of EA. I've learnt from mistakes, and won't fall for their hype machinery again. I know what they bring to the table, and it's not for me.
I only buy EA on accident and when it's cheap now. They've burned me many times in the past. Most spectacularly on an NHL game. They shut down the servers just after my brother and I got it, so we couldn't play it with each other.

They said we could just buy the next version and we could play again. I said we could just buy a different game from a different company and we'll be able to play as long as our XBOX LIVE subscription remained active.
There are people, believe it or not, who actually like DA2. I am one of those people, been defending the game since the first day :D

And as for cuts, they're quite normal. But if there's a chance that cut content can be made available later as a DLC, isn't that a good thing? I'm sure I'll buy anything related to Dragon Age.
Frankly, to me Dragon Age: Origins felt like it was long overstaying its bloody welcome. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I think that's a game that could really have used an editing board.
I liked DAO, but I never finished it, so perhaps that is what you sort of mean? At some point I got tired of the neverending torrent of enemies. I just wanted to progress the story, and fighting 100 enemies from every nook and cranny got tiring and boring. First I put the game down to easy to whack through them faster. Then I stopped booting it up.

It had some features I didn't like, such as "buying" loyalty with gifts and the mentioned enemy overload, but overall it was a pretty decent game. Certainly much better than DA2, ME2 or ME3. ME1, though, now there was a game I liked. I'm usually not one for playing through games multiple times once I've seen its story, but have finished ME1 a handful of times.