AudioCG: DA2 = ME2 (like thats a BAD thing)
ME2 is one of the most critically acclaimed, best selling, hottest franchises on the games marketplace today.
orcishgamer: I'm sorry, were you saying you were interested in paying an extra 60 bucks to buy a texture pack for ME2?
Nope, but im ok with DA2.
The combat is slick, the story is classic Bioware (still great), anyone saying the visuals have cut corners has not turned on DX11 and all the options. (seriously, game looks FANTASTIC maxxed out)
I am honestly saying I really like the game, and I totally get why some people want the more hardcore DAO approach, but the market place (yup, looking at the consoles) wants a more streamlined game.
Its what it is, people want these high budget, epic, voiced over games, and they want them FAST, but then they cry over how the companies have to consider mass sales on all platforms.
Hypocrisy, in its finest form. They do have to pay for the making of these games you know? And yes, I get the DLC gouging, I know, but obviously (looking at the DLC sales for Bioware) the marketplace SUPPORTS this.
Are you saying you want a PC exclusive title made for only the hardcore niche market with all the trappings and bells and whistles of a AAA title?
Think about that for a second.