Posted July 16, 2009
There's this indie game that was released two months ago, and it completely slipped under my radar. It's called Downfall, and it's a horror adventure game.
As per usual with indie horror games, looks like this one would scare me to the point of defecation, so I'll have to fight myself to buy and play it. Here's the guy's AGS post, if you're interested to know what that amazing, rag-tag group of adventure indie developers and enthusiasts think.
The trailer in the first link freaked me out when that woman's stomach...well, you'll see. If you do plan on purchasing it (or trying out the demo:, know one thing that may be a deal-breaker to those hardcore adventurers out there; it looks like it's possible to die. Also, since this is a small title, there are a few bugs, but that sort of comes with the territory. It's like what Giant Bomb was joking about with 1C Publishing:
"1C Publishing: Our games mean well."
As per usual with indie horror games, looks like this one would scare me to the point of defecation, so I'll have to fight myself to buy and play it. Here's the guy's AGS post, if you're interested to know what that amazing, rag-tag group of adventure indie developers and enthusiasts think.
The trailer in the first link freaked me out when that woman's stomach...well, you'll see. If you do plan on purchasing it (or trying out the demo:, know one thing that may be a deal-breaker to those hardcore adventurers out there; it looks like it's possible to die. Also, since this is a small title, there are a few bugs, but that sort of comes with the territory. It's like what Giant Bomb was joking about with 1C Publishing:
"1C Publishing: Our games mean well."